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Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

He had come to put an end to its meaning by fulfilling its intent. So it is, speaking one way, but what does it support? He has sent the Holy Spirit to be his representative here on earth. It makes the feeblest Christian in the Church, when he has fed upon Christ, to be as a giant to suffer or to do. The Word: Commentary on John 1:1-5 (Part 1) The Prologue to John is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic passages in scripture. Let me wind up with a personal question: Since Christ is the light of the world, I would ask: . Through the grace of God in Christ Jesus we shall yet come to the fullness of the stature of men in Christ. VII. Tell it wherever you have opportunity that Jesus Christ is visiting his church. No, never once will he deal with you according to any other rule than that of love, never once. When Thomas had received what he asked for, you might easily have conjectured that he would be put down in the second class of disciples. Ephesians It has been, I think, very soberly argued, that in all probability the physical cause of our Saviors death was a broken heart. I believe this is very near Christs heart. Generous diet often does more for the sick than the best medical prescriptions. How can they believe while they are duped by these gewgaws? Ah! Probably he was known and talked of as the man who had been paralyzed eight and thirty years. All Scripture is profitable to those who have grace to profit by it; but wouldest thou both save thyself and them that hear thee, thou must know him and love him to whom patriarchs, prophets, and apostles all bear witness that there is salvation in none other, and no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved. Our Price. If he has 100,000 a year in prospect, he would hardly be limited to a penny a week, like a poor mans child. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. I hope you think not that you shall live for ever. Philippians His pierced heart sympathizes far more quickly than the tenderest heart that ever lived before or after. The stronger his foes the louder the shout of victory when he returns from the strife. Or, again, into what a morbid state our minds will sometimes sink. What can he say? The life of our faith dwells in a perpetual life-look at Christ. Oh! His counsels and his cautions brought the final destinies of the righteous and the wicked into full view. That which is transparent on the face of Scripture he will cordially accept, as he says, To the law and to the testimony. Nothing less than nothing, I trow. I dare not think thus. Ought the Church to Pray for Revival? Zephaniah Ignorance shall vanish before the brightness he manifests. Yet again, the result of the resurrection of Lazarus was that our Lord rode in triumph through the streets of Jerusalem. I look for the coming of Christ. Why should you be so unwise as to go through pools of foul teaching merely because you think it easy to cleanse yourself of its pollution? 1 Thessalonians brethren, make up for the loss of one of the best of men, long known as a deacon and elder in our midst, who is now laid aside, his health departed, his strength prostrate. John 6:53. Those who prove traitors to a profession they once made are the hardest people in the world to impress. He restoreth my soul. He makes up for the waste of temptation, if or the wear and tear of care, for the fret of trouble, for the fume and flurry of manifold anxieties, for every thing that would waste a man away. Principle would prevail over policy to the end, if in their hearts they believed the truth as it is in Jesus. Tis true he takes away that poisoned cup. He was found of one who sought him not. Pondering the matter scrupulously, it seemed to him to involve too great a miracle to be credited far beyond anything to be expected. Come over the thorny way, for the end is sweet, and it will make amends for all the toil of the road. You shall be carried up to the seats of the immortals to dwell for ever with the Christ upon whom you have fed, coming to him first to appease your hunger, and believing on him continuously to sustain your life. Now I might enlarge, but I shall not. Another steppeth down before me. He was for holding with the hare, and running with the hounds. Some of the most beloved stories of Jesus' ministry are found only in the Fourth Gospel -- changing the water into wine, the woman at the well, the woman taken in adultery, raising Lazarus, washing the disciples' feet, and many more. Unsound doctrine occasions many to apostatise. Still we will try. Now to-night my one subject is to the Church here, and to Gods people elsewhere, who are in the like state of hope and anxiety. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. The other spirit is very rife in the world the spirit that maketh man, virtually, his own teacher. Christiana asked Mercy what made her laugh. If they cannot be healed without a sight of his wounded person, he shall gaze upon his side again. DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. They do not like an earnest ministry. The hypocrisy of his own heart horrifies him. Christ brought with Him the power that was to heal, and indeed to quicken. Until then they must wait, and they must not be idle. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. John 6:55. Save 25% on Plus Membership. 4.9 out of 5 stars 73. It is more than His acting as judge or His giving eternal life. 3463 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, JUNE 17TH, 1915. We believe that he is here; are believe that when we go to our homes he will be with us in spirit; that when we go to our business or to our work to-morrow morning he will be with us still. When you rest in him your soul is saved, and, being saved, it shall become your constant joy to love him who loved you, and gave himself for you. But again. no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than, because there is no earth, the good seed withers away. His heart is pierced, it is true, but with what result, my brethren? In becoming Christs friend, he agrees to subordinate his mind and will to the supremacy of Christ Jesus the Lord. One man alone, perhaps, may preach to such a throng as this; but if we are to have preaching everywhere, you must all preach by word and deed to circulate the heavenly wisdom in every sphere of earthly resort. I was dumb with silence; I opened not my mouth, because thou didst it, that is the spirit in which we may look at this question. No marvel to me, but infinite pity for them that they choose their own delusions and become the dupes of their own infatuation. You see it sparkle as I speak of it, but you do not receive it. They go on, till at last they are staggered. Amen. We Are To Recognizes Our Own Personal Obligations. tell him! We shall not fear to see the dread assize and the judgment-seat, and the King with the balances in his hand, weighing out the fates of men. What a wonderful harvest you promise! THE Pharisees in our Lord's day were very fond of high-sounding titles. In a scientific treatise by one who had studied the anatomy of the subject, and investigated case which appeared after death to bear some resemblance to our Saviors case, it has been shown that when, on the heart being pierced, a small portion of blood and water has flowed, death has been traceable to a heart broken with intense grief. Then you will care no more for the laughter and the sneers of men than you do for the noise of those migratory birds high overhead, which you hear on an autumn evening as they are making their weary journey to a distant clime. Why why did he not, indeed? Sermon. It stands proof positive, if he could open the eyes of the blind, he could, if he would, prevent any of his people from sickness and from death, and from all other ills else, he could prevent and save them. Look, my brother! The crescent of Mahomet must wane into eternal darkness. let us all see to it that there be no gaps in the ranks of Christs army which are not quickly filled up with fresh recruits. James He lived to see them grow up reprobates, and the sin was at his door. you will think of it; or you do not believe the express is coming, though there it is with its great red eyes and its great mouth of fire, and it comes rushing on and crushing everything that shall be in its pathway. Jesus yes, you read of him Jesus you hear of him: it is proper to receive his name; but oh, you have never spoken with him: you have never known him to be real nor conceived of him as such. All that they have heard or read about it has been from the tongue or pen or opponent or satirist, and then, catching their temper, they have joined in reviling it. The Feast of Tabernacles, you know, was designed as a memorial of the forty years that the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, dwelling in tents; but this particular rite was of their own invention, a supplementary observance, intended to remind the people of the fiery pillar that illumined the camp in those days of yore. Trust Jesus, and the infinite mercy of God shall blot out the past and secure the futures and you shall be saved in Christ Jesus with an everlasting salvation. Hence they do not like to come into fellowship with us as they were wont to do. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The heart that is purified with the celestial flame of divine love is the heart that can see God. But why should you? Lecture 1: A Chat about Commentaries. This is done. Jesus hath loved, and lived, and died for me, and now he lives and pleads for me. Oh! Does it mean that we who have the grace of conviction, with the Holy Spirit as a spirit of bondage, shall receive by-and-bye the spirit of liberty, and get out of conviction, through conversion, into full pardon and enjoyment of peace with God? 1 offer from $8.99 #57. . For me there remaineth shame and confusion of face, because of the coldness of my heart, the feebleness of my faith, the presumption with which I have trusted to my own understanding, and the resistance I have offered to the motions of the Holy Spirit. How much harm comes from answering in a hurry. then, be quite content to bear trouble, in order that your blessed Lord Jesus may make himself illustrious as he comes to you in the very nick of time, and delivers you out of the depth of your distress. And the women came with a torchlight procession, and stood around these flaming candelabra, and there executed a sort of sacred dance and solemn pageant. Did it not suffice that they had put a thorn crown on his head? Oh! and this is a lesson to us. What if fie do not make me rich, but lets me pine in poverty, what if he do not heal me, but suffer me to linger out a life of sorrow? Love is a very jealous emotion, and keenly sensitive when questioned by those on whom it intensely coats. Oh! He can wash you in his blood. Not that price is the only incentive. 3553 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 1ST, 1917. Look at that little party of British workmen; they belong to the Sabbath desecration society. Another ground for admiring our Lords great patience with Thomas is that he had dared to dictate the terms upon which he would believe, and he had selected such terms as must have been most offensive had Jesus Christ been of a lofty, imperious, uncondescending spirit. Though Thomas might thus have been left, and deserved to have been left, yet Jesus came to him because he knew that his coming to him would be much better than letting him stop away. Why do they renounce the religious profession they once espoused? How exquisitely touching his gentleness! A traveler once slid down one by accident, and there he lay wedged in by the ice. A mother has often a tenderness that we do not find in a father. I charge you, my beloved you who have been the flock of my care these many years-remember the history that God has given us during these seventeen years. Renan and others insist on Christ's repeated violation of the . What confidence this ought to inspire in our hearts! He was baptized and began to serve in a Baptist Church. When we feel that we lack wisdom, he never upbraids us, but he always gives liberally to those who ask him. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. It was for one he came, and for that one who did not seek him. Some feed on ceremonies. A sees it a duty that such a thing should he done, and tells B that he is very wrong not to do it. They knew already by far too much to be taught anything more, and consequently while publicans and harlots heard Christ and rejoiced to listen to him, out of all those who were continually caviling and finding fault, how few ever won the blessing. Let no man despair. But oh! If you would make money and there need be nothing sinful in that do let it be made honestly; never let riches be pursued under the presence of religion. With all your imperfections and infirmities, your wanderings and backslidings, can you nevertheless declare that you do love the Lord? John's Gospel was written by the aging Apostle John. (a) Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ.John has already spoken about believing in Jesus (1 John 3:23), but now, as he nears the end of his letter, he encourages his readers to believe again and again (1 John 5:5, 10, 13). Nothing can stay him. All the way, from the gates of Gehenna to the pearly gates of paradise, every want of every pilgrim is met in him. This series, developed by scholars from numerous church fellowships, outlines an in-depth study of the Bible over a six-year period. Perhaps he has given you grace to teach in a Sabbath school, then you want a further supply of grace to enable you to be an efficient teacher. If I withhold anything that is really Gods tithe, I am not proving God; but when we are all giving and doing to our utmost, then we prove God, and we shall see whether he will not open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing such as we shall not have room enough to receive. They did not know who it was they were despising when they laughed at his people. You do not know how half a word said in Christs name during your journeyings about your business may be life from the dead. NO.3481 PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1915. It is certainly so with believers in Christ. I wish all were able to. Grow in love. Come, ye disconsolate, pluck up courage! Who would permit you to drink it who had a care for you? Lovest thou me? My Lord and my God! They are inventions of man, and man only, having not so much as a shred or vestige of foundation in Gods own Book. The Bible tells of some sins God has freely forgiven and yet fully recorded. Watch and pray. Your conscience may be very guilty, but he is greater than your guilt. I can come to him now and put my prayers into his side can come and put my desires into his side. A master-builder would soon discharge the carpenter on the work who should always be saying, Why should that piece of timber be of that shape, or why must those stones be placed in such a position? The architect is supposed to know the plan, not the Irish laborer the plan. This is an essential mark of a Christian, that he sees Jesus with the simple faith that relies alone upon him. Oh! He giveth no account of his matters. I marvel not that any man should be precipitated into flagrant sin who wilfully renounces his vows of consecration to Jesus. The tears, the bitter tears he wept on the morning of the crucifixion when Jesus looked upon him, welled up again from his heart into his eyes as the risen Lord looked into his face, and made him conscious how richly he deserved to be asked the question, Lovest thou me? Yes, and like bitter memories may cover some of us with shame. then, come ye to the Priest who is not of the tribe of Levi, but a Priest after the order of Melchisedec, whose royalty confers dignity on his sacerdotal office! Oh! Some men find it difficult to believe in Christ because they are always seeking honour for themselves; desire for the praise of men often blinds the mind and prejudices the spirit. They ask just such questions as a boy might ask of his father. Sirs, I scarcely like to talk to you on this subject, because it is not manly for you to be ashamed of your convictions. Jesus Christ was the true light in opposition to the smoking flax of tradition. Have we been thinking hard thoughts of God? sisters, try to make up by double energy for the loss of that good sister who was a mother among you all. If a man could travel so fast as always to follow the sun, of course he would always be in the light. To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams, and what a blessing it is that this text gives us such a very simple thing to do. O Lord, open thou the sinners eyes that he may now see! Think not that you are rich and increased in goods if you have not got Christ, for in truth you are naked, and poor, and miserable. Why, when I think of Jesus, he seems to be all mine, and I am sure I cannot afford to do without a bit of him. The like may be said to us when we are called to some new labor. Hence the diffidence with which he, asserts his confidence Thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I do love thee. A burned child is afraid of fire, and a scalded child shudders at hot water. Why should the Lord thus distress me? The body could not be kept in vigor ordinarily, or without a miracle, except by the use of food. Who among us could stand such provocation, say, for an hours I am afraid the best tempered man here, if incessantly provoked from morning to night for a week, would find that it needed much more grace than he had in stock to keep him from anger. . Are there private duties? I trow not He desired not to have around him a mass of chaff, but the pure winnowed corn. I do not care whether you have or have not. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord. Be then, as Job was, and as David was when, being about to describe the perturbation of his mind on account of the affliction of the righteous, and the prosperity of the wicked, he began the psalm by saying, Truly God is good to Israel, as if he started with that, and nothing could ever drive him from it. Feed my sheep. It is never less than full; never can be more than full. Oh! But I beseech you, men and women, if you have not believed in Christ, to remember that that is the only door of safety according to Gods own revelation. These Attacks Upon The Savior Are Overruled To Display His Grace The Better. 1 Chronicles Thank God, the Holy Ghost overshadowed us! Are they unseen of men? Let than come in at every door; let them crowd at every window, and let them have something to eat! And if they were thirsty, and we had the mains laid on here, and there was no water to be had anywhere else, oh! When everything prospers with a man of the world, even he seeth, and saith, Perhaps God is here. If he be an outwardly religious man, though not inwardly so, if he mingles in a congregation where there is some degree of religious excitement, if his own mind be gratified, he will say he thinks Christ is there. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Mammon, thou least erect of spirits, says Milton, but he is the god at London. There would be your old nature, and you would have to grapple with it, to your own shame and sorrow, but still there would be a new nature, with better desires and feelings, and with this new nature within me I am convinced, for myself at any rate, that this thing is true. We, who are but as the skirts of his garments, are favored with some droppings thereof, but the fullness of the anointing of the Spirit was bestowed upon Jesus Christ our Lord, and from him his members must receive the portion they enjoy. Now it is supposed, not, I think, without good reason, that it was on the morning after this celebration that Jesus stood in the court. Who are the people that like darkness rather than light? Believe what Jesus said, and his Apostles taught, and what you have had revealed to you in his own pure Word Christ is the true light. What is the good of it to you? John /. Now, then, gird up your loins, and prepare for the service of the church. I want, brethren, to see among us men and women who are looking after Christs sheep and lambs. By nature he is divine. I shall close these fragmentary thoughts with two or three:-. But do you ever try to picture to yourselves that you see him? One shall be this. Go to him at once by faith, with humble prayer. Hardly is the seed sown before the sprout appears. It will not be so much your love as his love that makes you quick of the eye. By terrible things in righteousness God answered us; but the answer did come. That was a great portion of the mans life. But oh! Here is the Man Christ Jesus, divine in his person, in his character, and in his conduct, unveiling the Father to babes in grace, who do not and cannot understand the charm that first drew them and then bound them to him. We should have said, Well, if he be so obstinate as to lay down such conditions, let him cool a bit; let him just stop while in the cold till he is willing to come in at the door, and not to make conditions that he must come in at the window, or by some way of his own. All through the scourging and the splitting, the shame, the wounding, he crucifixion, the thirst, the desertion, and the death itself, he was working out an atonement for us; Bearing, that we might never bear His Fathers righteous ire.. Some have grown up with false doctrines, or with true ones exaggerated, and these bring them to a very fine development of self-conceit and bigotry, but they make no solid food for the mans mind. I remember one that fell into a gross sin, of whom a brother unwisely said, If that man is not a Christian, I am not. His prayers had certainly been sweet. We cannot quite say, with the apostles, that we have caught nothing. 2 TIMOTHY 2:15. It is his fullness, the fullness of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Ruth He giveth more grace; grace following on grace, and, further on, superabounding grace, when grace turns into glory, and we come before the throne of grace for ever and ever. have said, He loves me; ah! The answer may be found by the light of the truth which I have brought to your minds. Study to show thyself approved . If he was a full-grown man when he was attacked with the infirmity, he had now become old and gray. These men, through being proud, stilted, and fond of titles, were unable to believe in Christ, and there are other faults more common than these which effectually prevent men from becoming the disciples of our blessed Master. Jesus, I say, takes away from us no pleasure that is a true pleasure, no enjoyment that exalts the mind, or that makes a man truly blessed. You shall find in Jesus Christ everything that will be wanted between hell and heaven. Christ is the only true sustenance of the quickened soul. John 12:38-40. Troy could never be taken by the assaults of the Greeks outside her walls. Moreover, he is also a King, spreading the aegis of protection over all his liege subjects, and ordaining peace for them. Practically to prove that Jesus Christ is your Lord is the highest service that you can any of you render to him. Sermons preached at home are the best sermons. Fly, in Gods name, man! Perhaps your own wife has been converted; your brother has seen the Lord; your sister has come to know Christ as her Savior; and so long has he been with you that now you could count some dozen or more of your companions that have come to know Jesus, yet you have not known him. Yet we cannot help feeling that they have got to be tried. truly, when we express surprise at his answering prayer and delivering his servants according to his promise, He might well say, What, have I been so long time with you, and have not you known me?, With one more instance I conclude. More than two thousand children supported by prayer and faith, they said How wonderful! as if our Lord in this had exceeded his own promise. Remarks upon the Catalogue of Commentaries. Do not misjudge me, I do not misjudge you, I take the will for the deed. Indeed, it wants a great deal of faith to see Jesus when things are sluggish in the church, when there are ministers who do not seem to care about souls being saved, when there are churches that fall asleep, and when the world seems to grow more wicked, more lascivious in its amusements, and more blatant in its atheistic blasphemy. It is glorious to be able to read Gods Word sometimes backwards not to believe that his hard messages mean unkindness, but to understand that there is love in every stroke of the rod, eternal love in every hard word that falls from the Saviors lips. On the score of desert no choice had ever fallen on us. No mischief that ever befalls our Christian communities is more lamentable than that which comes from the defection of the members. Take meat to a hungry man; hold it out on your finger and ask him, Dont you feel better? No, saith he. Until our Lord should pour out the Spirit upon his apostles, they had to wait. The unity, with all its uniqueness, is his. We are startled and amazed. And now, brethren, let gratitude and benevolence prompt your zeal to spread the light, to reflect it all around, near and far. If it be your duty to expose these evils, encounter them bravely, with prayer to God to help you. The presence of Jesus has made the heart-strings of many here to sound like harps for joy. The Immortality of the Soul: John 5:14. Beseech him to favor you to-night with this refreshment. Fear God, and face your accusers. Some leave Christ and go away terrified by persecution. We, as a Christian Church, are engaged in the great soul-fishery, seeking by any means to bring some to Christ. There you have bread no more wine no more. Whatsoever Christ commands is the law to his people. But it would be better still if you could see the sane. So are you set against truth that you cannot see it. So the soul without Jesus, supposing it to alive, must soon sicken, pine, be famished, and decay. Now, beloved, let us notice, first, when Jesus comes: . It was not merely the blinded Jews, but even his disciples who did not understand. sing unto him a new song. Deceivers will beguile the weak; and some have been led aside by modern doubt; and modest infidelity has its partisans. You have enough there, though all contradict you. Of course, the whole population was Romish. Had they not listened to his famous Sermon on the Mount? Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion. Will you, can you still distrust him? And he did answer them, too. We shall soon be into another year. Well might the angels have, sung, Glory to God in the highest; on earth peace, goodwill towards men. Sweet babe! Me that loses his substance little by little presently becomes a bankrupt, and painful is the discovery when the end comes. Fill our pockets full, and help us to blow out our bubble-companies and cheat the public! Are not these the prayers offered by many?

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