talk track for presentation

Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

Id been away for many years. Its no use worrying about what happened. How is glass made? a: Youre working hard today. Paris is the (river) Seine. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. 3 what colour? ? How long is it since you last went to the theatre? (not all were happy) He thinks he knows everything. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ill draw a map for you in case you have a problem finding our house. (you / not / have / any?) There are only a few left. Choose from: have a baby have a look 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 have a break have lunch have a chat have a party have trouble have a nice time have a shower have a holiday I dont eat much during the day. 149 Unit the 3 (children / the children) 75 A When we are talking about things or people in general, we do not use the: Im afraid of dogs. Are they ill? or I prefer driving rather than travelling by train. Later (the same day) you tell another friend what they said (reported speech). Present perfect and past Units 1214 Unit Exercises 8 8.1 You ask people about things they have done. What crime did she commit? This sofa 8 You cant see some things without a microscope. I heard that Laura has gone away. She could write a book about her The caused by the storm will cost a lot to repair. We cant go on like this. Complete the sentences. On the left there are explanations and examples; on the right there are exercises. ? Use the verb in brackets. A countable noun can be singular (banana) or plural (bananas). 12 This is a nice hotel, isnt it? (without the) Our train leaves from platform 5. in my position. fill out (a form) Please fill out this form. Our football team is playing well. Contents Thanks vii To the student viii To the teacher x Present and past 1 Present continuous (I am doing) 2 Present simple (I do) 3 Present continuous and present simple 1 (I am doing and I do) 4 Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do) 5 Past simple (I did) 6 Past continuous (I was doing) Present perfect and past 7 Present perfect 1 (I have done) 8 Present perfect 2 (I have done) 9 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing) 10 Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done) 11 how long have you (been) ? c Why you not phoned me yesterday? (not We know each other hardly) I can hardly do something = its very difficult for me, almost impossible: Your writing is terrible. You can use this to pay for things. When they worked outside the home as wage labourers they were exploited in the workplace, often as cheaper labour than men. 5 Anna, you couldnt take me to the station, could you? a lot of unemployment. You cant accuse her being lazy. Weve never had a car. 144D do up a house etc. D I wouldnt be with you or do you want to go alone? it. Ive been offered a job, but it. If he so nervous, he the test. I could only eat half . (not is used to drive) Im used to living alone. We . 1 It was noisy next door last night. a lot to carry enough money too hot long enough a long time Are these sentences OK? Please try later. Id like some fresh air. (smile) 5 The fine weather helped it a really nice holiday. Im surprised Amy and Joe have separated. Ive been standing a long time. Youre worried about her because: perhaps shell be thirsty its possible shell get lost she might need to call somebody perhaps shell get hungry maybe shell get lonely maybe it will rain You advise her to take some things with her. 1 Although it rained a lot, we had a good time. No, I was born in London. Feudalism is usually used in a restricted sense by historians to describe the societies of post-Roman Europe, from roughly the 9th to the 15th centuries (the middle ages), although these societies bare striking resemblance to the hierarchical, agricultural-based societies of Japan, China, and pre-contact America (e.g., Aztec, Inca) of the same period. : The train will be leaving in a few minutes. (= first Ill phone Kate and after that we can go out) Do not use the present perfect if the two things happen together: When I phone Kate, Ill ask her about the party. It looks as if it might rain. My favourite subject at school was history/physics/English. In most countries people drive What is the tallest building I met a friend of mine San Francisco is We went to the theatre last night. Choose from: ashamed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 aware capable envious proud scared Im a bit short of money. 1 There was a picture lying on the floor. complain OF a pain, an illness etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Did you spend the whole money / all the money I gave you? At the same time, approximately 1,000 massive, 30-foot high monuments or moai, the height of 3 story buildings, were thereone for every 10 inhabitants at the height of the islands population. 4 a: I hope you can help me. Quantitative analysis for management [Thirteenth edition, global edition] 9780134543161, 1292217650, 9781292217659, 0134543165. (think) 8 I cant help you a job. Perhaps he didnt want to come. 52 Question tags (do you? 10 (4) 7 (1) I didnt do anything. or He went out. Please dont ask that question again. This type of thinking was common in preindustrial societies where strong bonds of kinship and a low division of labour created shared morals and values among people, such as among the feudal serfs. Employees vie for time slots, bonuses, and job security. You want her to turn it down. For example: the old the elderly the rich the poor the homeless the unemployed the sick the injured the old = old people, the rich = rich people etc. (1954). or We decided not to go (to the party) in the end. a tall young man (1 2) big blue eyes (1 3) a small black plastic bag (1 3 5) 4 where from? bring up a child = raise, look after a child Her parents died when she was a child and she was brought up by her grandparents. Im going to look for another job. Is Gary going to retire soon? Facing the lion: By Massai warriors. (bad / badly) The customer became when the manager asked him to leave. a: How long (you / live) there? etc. 4 How long do you usually sleep? 3 A decision will not until the next meeting. 1 Have you heard the news ? No. She has been to most . Do you like parties? (= not even a little longer) We expected their apartment to be very big, but its no bigger than ours. The company have decided to open a new factory. I (turn) the (wake) up. C verb + off doze off / drop off / nod off = fall asleep I dozed off during the lecture. She finds this difficult because she isnt used to getting up so early. Talking to you is as talking to the wall. Ben isnt very happy at college. on a chair. You ought to have come. one person (a/an ) a Canadian 1 Canada 2 Germany 3 France 4 Russia 5 Japan 6 Brazil 7 England 8 and your country . 5 Have you found a place to live yet? (= each time, on every occasion) D Every/everybody/everyone/everything are singular words, so we use a singular verb: Every seat in the theatre was taken. 161 Unit -s (your sisters name) and of (the name of the book) 81 A We use -s (apostrophe + s) mostly for people or animals: Toms computer isnt working. 4 Lisa had to go to New York last week, but she almost (miss) the plane. You can use: good 1 2 3 4 5 pretty good not very good hopeless (repairing things) Im not very good at repairing things. Later your friend says, Shall I phone to reserve a table? You say: No, . This Paper. Ive never heard A about B from C after D of 15.16 I dont know what time well arrive. Travelling by car is convenient providing (that) (= Its convenient but only if you have somewhere to park.) 4 I Jane, but I sent her an email instead. Theres plenty of time. The teams star player is injured and wont be playing in the game on Saturday. You can say: Kate is in the kitchen making coffee. or -ing: In spite of the rain, we had a good time. after the verb: Is there a chair to sit on? 5 I saw an accident this morning. 7 We took a few pictures, but of them were very good. I was surprised because shed always had long hair. Choose from: carry 1 a: b: 2 a: b: 3 a: b: 4 a: b: 5 a: b: 6 a: b: 7 a: b: 8 a: b: finish get get go keep rip tell How are you getting on in your new job? 114.4 Put in in case or if. (= How is it going?) 3 How are mountains formed? It was very hard, but I finish. (I / look / forward to it) 4 Anna woke up in the middle of the night. or He/Ben hasnt played tennis before. Be on your way (Ghandl, quoted in Bringhurst, 2011). (look / as if / see / a ghost) You say to her: Whats the matter? . 41.2 2 wasnt/werent 3 d told / had told 4 had / could have 5 could 6 hadnt bought 7 didnt have 8 have gone 41.3 2 I wish she would come. Can you give me a hand? 6 It started to rain, but fortunately I had an umbrella. When we ask or say how long, the continuous is more usual (see Unit 10): Ive been learning English since January. 10 The wedding was supposed to be a secret, so how did you find it? Use although + a sentence from the box. there would have been etc. I offered them something to eat. (reflexive pronouns) when the subject and object are the same: Hi, Im Steve. Nicola plays volleyball Thursday evening. That works out at 32.45 each. We had known each other for years. If you are not sure, write two words. 8 I wouldnt call someone in the middle of the night if (it / not / be) important. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amy is always full of energy. (infinitive) 43AB perfect tenses 43C continuous tenses 43D being (done) 44B get 44D it is said that 45A past (see also past continuous, past perfect and past simple) past after if and wish 3840 past after Id rather 59D past after its time 35C past after as if 118D present and past tenses Appendix 2 past continuous (I was doing) 6 past continuous and past simple 6CD past continuous and used to 18E past continuous passive 43D past perfect (simple) (I had done) 15 past perfect and present perfect 15B past perfect and past simple 15C past perfect after if 40 past perfect passive 43C past perfect continuous (I had been doing) 16 past simple (I did) 5 past simple and past continuous 6CD past simple and present perfect 1214 past simple and past perfect 15C past simple passive 42C pay pay in passive sentences 44A pay (somebody) for something 135B pay back 145C people 79D perfect see present perfect, past perfect perfect infinitive (to have done) 43B (passive), 54C, 58C persuade (+ to ) 55B phone on the phone 127B phone somebody (no preposition) 132B phone somebody back 145C photo/photograph in a photo 124A a photo of someone 129B phrasal verbs (break down / get on etc.) I I hear a strange noise. Past simple (did) I did a lot of work yesterday. My brother 9 I (on Saturday night / didnt see you / at the party). Theyre in love. we couldnt afford to stay at a hotel. 6 Youre meeting a friend tomorrow, but you have to decide what time. (= half the population are children under 16) Air is made up mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. We usually say on a bus / on a train / on a plane / on a ship but in a car / in a taxi: The bus was very full. More and more tourists are visiting this part of the country. You still have a lot of paint, so why not paint the bathroom too? (not at Helens house) We had dinner at the hotel. 63.3 2 remembering peoples names 3 finding a job / getting a job 4 getting a ticket for the game 5 understanding one another 63.4 2 going / travelling / getting 3 getting 4 watching 5 going / climbing / walking 6 getting / being 7 practising 8 working 9 applying 10 trying 63.5 2 went swimming 3 go skiing 4 goes riding 5 s/has gone shopping or went shopping UNIT 64 64.1 2 I opened the box to see what was in it. 56 A Some verbs are followed by -ing and some are followed by to . There are usually a lot of parties New Years Eve. You need to get off (the train) at the next station. broke down. tell somebody off = speak angrily to somebody because they did something wrong Clares mother told her off for wearing dirty shoes in the house. Andy is a flight attendant. I thought they were . She has few friends. Can you drive 7 I thought he was younger than me, but in fact hes we thought at first. ? Are you looking forward to your trip? There are many reasons why players find using a controller a better experience. Jane, you dont have a pen I could borrow, do you? / isnt she? (1977). 1 Its raining. Additional exercise 31 (page 320) 201 Unit Adjectives and adverbs 2 101 (well, fast, late, hard/hardly) A good and well Good is an adjective. 6 Kate is driving. Choose from the box. The driver in front Additional exercises 1618 (pages 31113) 67 Unit should 2 34 A You can use should after: insist demand recommend suggest propose I insisted that he should apologise. 11 The moon goes round the earth every 27 days. b We were all staying at the same hotel. (= I dont expect it to be hard) C You should have done something = you didnt do it, but it would have been a good thing to do: You missed a great party last night. Which of the following best depicts Marxs concept of alienation from the process of ones labour? 13 (The weather / change). Do you want (you / want) something to eat? 1 There was a collision between a bus and a car. Despite is the same as in spite of. A broken up B ended up C finished up 137 . He gave them to Lisa. The the car wasnt serious. It wasnt comfortable. Complete the sentences. (violent / violently) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99.4 Write the following in another way using the first / the next / the last . You say: Have you finished the work ? For example, we say: I met a French woman / an English guy. / turn out that Nobody believed Paul at first, but he turned out to be right. Who will you be voting for? 18 Do you agree with the policy of the government? You should insure your bike in case it is stolen. Choose from the box, putting the verbs in the correct form. Verb + to Units 5455 Other verbs + -ing or to Units 56, 58 Unit Exercises 57 57.1 Put the verb into the correct form. Jack cant cook. 6 Im not looking forward to away. It will be finished next year. Maybe. my friends were waiting for me. In Europe the class system of feudalism was organized around the parceling out of manors or estates by the aristocracy to vassals and knights in return for their military service. 143.3 Complete the sentences. It has never . 33.3 Complete the sentences. She tried to be serious, but she couldnt help laughing. Appendix 4 could I/you ? Im not fit enough. (= he complains too much) Youre always looking at your phone. 93.2 What do you say in these situations? a long time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I used to live in Berlin. drive(s), work(s), do(es) etc. + the this that my these those etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12.2 12 Its been raining since lunchtime. It has changed a lot. I couldnt contact you because I hadnt my phone. I havent eaten much today. The same as before? It may her brother. You can use these exercises for extra practice after you have studied and practised the grammar in the units concerned. How often have you a shower? but there is an advantage IN doing something or TO doing something: There are many advantages in living alone. 16 Does this city have airport? 5 I wish I could play piano. Hes very old. You should have done it as I showed you. In the 18th century, Europe experienced a dramatic rise in technological invention, ushering in an era known as the Industrial Revolution. Are you? or No, its been ages since UNIT 13 13.1 2 has gone 3 forgot 4 went 5 had 6 has broken 13.2 3 did William Shakespeare write 4 OK 5 Who invented 6 OK 7 We washed 8 Where were you born? What are you laughing ? 6 I thought James was about 25. Despite the differences in Durkheims, Marxs, and Webers main themes of analysis, they are equally androcentric to the degree that they cannot account for why womens experience of modern society is structured differently from mens, or why the implications of modernity are different for women than they are for men. 56 cant (I cant swim etc.) (not When you will be) Dont forget to lock the door when you go out. by -ing (to say how something happens): You can improve your English by reading more. 109.2 Complete the sentences. ? b Helen insisted c Helen promised me lunch. This morning I got up more early than usual. (separate) 9 The noise is terrible. (as a student) Joe had an accident last week. Natural disasters are also part of the oral tradition: they tellof massive and apocalyptic floods as well as volcanic explosions and other seismic (and tidal) events that had tremendous impacts on local populations. We use would (d) in the other part of the sentence: If I were rich, I would travel a lot. Do you think James looks as his father? He thereby addressed one of the fundamental sociological questions: why do societies hold together rather than fall apart? I (driving / dont / it / you / mind). The train was very full and there were no seats free. What do you want me to do? Do you go / Will you go to work by car? Not usually.

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talk track for presentation