hard rock stadium tailgating 2021

Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

resolution as a function of an acceleration voltage. Generally, the wavelength of electrons and the acceleration voltage have an inverse relationship. Define all the terms in your equation. . okay. (Hint: In each case the initial kinetic energy is negligible.) 6 1 0 1 9 C, m e = 9. Question: is increased while the accelerating voltage is kept the same. Derive the equation to show the electron wavelength and the. The X-Ray photons are emitted when an electron loses its energy. Then the difference of the wavelength of the kale for line and the minimum wavelength of the continuous X ray spectrum changes. What should be the minimum accelerating voltage across an X-ray tube having tungsten target which allows production of K X-ray? . An equivalent scale for the images was maintained throughout the entire dataset. So let's think about what can be the minimum and maximum energies of a photon? Abbe's equation: d = 0.753/aV 1 /2. Generally, the wavelength of electrons and the acceleration voltage have an. The de Broglie wavelength of the photon is 442 nm. The relationship between the wavelength of the electron beam and the acceleration voltage V is expressed by the following equation. Due to the shorter wavelength of the electrons used, they allow a better instrumental resolution to be Accordingly, the tube current exposure time product value (mAs) is reduced to 36 mAs; whereas at 60 kV, the value was much higher (141 mAs). 3. Assuming the mass of the electron to be the same in all orbits, 1 v. \lambda \,\alpha \frac {1} {v} v1. (take h = 6. The X For instance, take a charge and place it inside a parallel-plate capacitor. What acceleration potential Va (approximately) should you apply to the electrons to produce a 1st order (n=1) ring at 20 (use simple geometry for that and keep in mind the relation between and ). Note that, in electron microscopy it is normally sufficient only to replace the mass and wavelength of the electrons with the corresponding relativistic values [1]. Adjust the accelerating voltage, oven temperature, and gain so you can see the maximum number of peaks. A diffraction grating acts as a dispersive element used in monochromators and spectrometers. Example problem. Force of tension questions. If the accelerating voltage is V, the energy supplied to the electron is eV. tion is that use of a high accelerating voltage will result in deep penetration length and a large primary excitation region, and ultimately cause the loss of detailed surface information of the samples. You will measure the diameter of the diffraction rings as a function of accelerating voltage. They offer the possibility of greater penetrating power and the use of thicker specimens that are more representative of the bulk (Fig. The distance from the graphite sample to the screen L is 13.5 .1 cm. by modifying the accelerating voltage is explored in Figure 8 and Figure A.9. The scintillator has a high positive voltage (~10 kV) to accelerate the incoming electrons to it where they can be converted to light photons Can be used in backscattered electron (>50 eV) mode by either Four dimensional Lorentz invariant expression for acceleration given by Eqn. l = wavelength h = Planck's constant (6.6 X 10-27) m = mass of the particle (9.1 X 10-28) v = velocity of the particle. If for any reason the diffraction tube is to be removed, call your instructor. Plot the electron wavelength (in . In the typical design the accelerating voltage is matched with the binding energy of the inner electrons of the target material, with a little extra for engineering losses; this will result in x-ray emission at the characteristic energy for that material, which appears as energy peaks in the x In this problem, we're given electrons and protons with wavelength of point zero six nanometers and were asked to find for both what voltage would be required to accelerate these particles up to a speed in which they're like wavelength is equal point zero six animators. Connect the ticker timer to a suitable low-voltage power supply. X- rays are produced in an X- rays tube operating at a given accelerating voltage . But after acceleration through the electric potential difference, the energy of the electron is e V, where e is the charge of the electron. Assuming the electrons are accelerated from rest, calculate the de Broglie wavelength for the electron. Clearly, a cutoff wavelength depends on accelerating voltage. Reduce heater voltage to zero and then unplug the variac. With a shorter wavelength, the waves are diffracted less When an electron passes through a potential difference (accelerating voltage field) V, its kinetic energy with be equal to the energy of the field, i.e. B-5. They strike a target and release x-rays as a result of the collision. eV (energy in electron volts) = V (the accelerating voltage). 4. Ans: The stopping potential is 2.54 V. When radiation of certain wavelength shines on the cathode of the photoelectric cell, the photocurrent produced can be reduced to zero by applying stopping potential of 3 V. If the work function of the photo emitter is 3.63 eV, find the frequency of radiation. Nov 14,2021 - Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). 5. This manuscript investigates the influence of acceleration voltages ranging from 5 kV to as low as 300 V, by studying surface ultrastructure of a human platelet aggregate. example 18 kV accelerating voltage is applied across an X-ray tube. A. l = h 2e mV = 150 V x 1010 m Experimental Procedure WARNING! The loss of energy of the electrons due to impact is manifested as x-rays. Any changes to the electromagnetic wavelength will effect the movement of the electrons; for example, if you increase the voltage of the accelerating electron beam, you will increase the image resolution. (a) In an electron microscope, what accelerating voltage is needed to produce electrons with wavelength 0.0600 nm? De Broglie wavelength. This will increase the overall intensity. Accelerating a charge through a potential difference. Derive the equation to show the electron wavelength and the resolution as a function of an acceleration voltage. Sketch below what you see on the screen. Therefore, the wavelength of propagating electrons at a given accelerating voltage can be determined by Since the mass of an electron is 9.1 x 10 -31 kg and e = 1.6 x 10 -19, Thus, the wavelength of electrons is calculated to be 3.88 pm when the microscope is operated at 100 keV, 2.74 pm at 200 keV, and 2.24 pm at 300 keV. The minimum wavelength of X-rays emitted by X-ray tube is 0.4125 . Hence the minimum wavelength of X-ray emitted by an X-ray tube is \[0.4125\dot A\]. sin a. d = resolution in nm. Analytical map areas were determined by BSE imaging and illustrate the representative mineralogy of each sample. Wavelength dispersive (WDS) X-ray maps were collected for Mg and Ca using an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of 100 nA. The wavelength of propagating electrons at a given accelerating voltage can be determined byThus, the wavelength of electrons is calculated to be 3.88 pm when the microscope is operated at 100 keV, 2. If the accelerating voltage is increased, the electrons have greater energy and hence shorter wavelength ( E = hc / l). The emitted electrons gain energy due to the accelerating voltage V a applied between cathode and anode. The minority of electro The high-resolution TEM (HRTEM), high-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM), and corresponding energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping images were carried out on a JEOL JEM-ARM200F with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Calculate the minimum wavelength of X-rays emitted when electrons accelerated through 30 kV strike a target. 6 3 1 0 3 4 J s, m = 9. If the highest-energy x-ray photons emitted by the target have a wavelength of 8.00 1011 m, what Filament Heating Supply Filament Wehnelt Cylinder (Grid cap) Equipotentials Bias Resistor Vbias = [e Rbias High Voltage Supply Emission Current ie the greater the kV the 3. 10 V. The wavelength of the continuous X- rays has values from asked May 24, 2019 in Physics by AnushkaYadav ( Accelerating Voltage (in KV): Velocity of Electrons: Newtonian: Einsteinian: Difference: Unit: m/sec % Mass of Electrons: kg EU: Energy of Electrons: N*m: Momentum of Electrons: N*sec: Wavelength (deBroglie Equation) of Electrons: m nm: Resolution (Abbe's Equation): m nm The minimum wavelength will move to a shorter wavelength. In X - ray tube, when the accelerating voltage V is halved, the difference between the wavelength of Kalpha line and minimum wavelength of continuous X - ray spectrum. e = Charge of electron. The de Broglie Wavelength vs. Voltage In the cathode ray tube the electron is accelerated through high voltage V. Its energy and momentum are then given by E= p2 2m =eV [2] Solving for the momentum, and substituting into Eq. In addition, [] X-ray radiation is produced in an x-ray tube. The accelerating voltage is $30KV$. . As such, e V = h c . = h c e 1 V. 1 V. The second argument: 1 V. From de Brogile's equation, we have. T.Norah Ali Al moneef 57 58. The anode current must be kept below .4 mA. inverse relationship. It shows that the maximum energy of X-ray photon is 29.6 keV. Table 4787. From the Planck relation, we have: E = h f = h c . Solution: A simplified construction of an X-ray generating device is given in Chapter 6.6. The velocity of the electron varies in orbits, so t he wavelength of the electron in different orbits will not be the same. inverse relationship. 1 1 1 0 3 1 k g) = 1.23/V 1 / 2 (nm) For example, if the electron acceleration voltage is 100 kV, the wavelength is 3.9 x 10-3 Be careful in connecting the high voltage wire to the diffraction tube apparatus. 39.21.. The wavelength of the electrons is dramatically decreased with increase of the acceleration voltage; therefore, the spatial resolution of the microscopes is significantly improved. sin a. d = resolution in nm. Derive the equation to show the electron wavelength and the resolution as a function of an acceleration voltage. I am writing a report on TEM, and was asked to consider the effect of accelerating voltage on the resolution. A.7) and the space group classification of Accelerating Voltage each EBSP aligns well with the Hough-based phase map (ground The effect of changing the wavelength of the incoming electrons truth). In general one wants to avoid application of high voltages to the gun except when the cathode is fully heated up. The relationship between accelerating voltage and electron detection modes to linewidth measurement in magnitude of the errors introduced by beam/specimen interactions and the mode of signal detection at a variety of beam acceleration voltages and to discuss their relationship to precise and accurate metrology. 80 kV. 4. Using a TFE electron gun at low accelerating voltages means it is possible to analyze areas in the range of 0.1 m. However, working at low accelerating voltages can produce a new set of challenges when trying to obtain the best quality quantitative analyses. The wavelength of the electrons is dramatically decreased with increase of the acceleration voltage; therefore, the spatial resolution of the microscopes is significantly improved. Note that, in electron microscopy it is normally sufficient only to replace the mass and wavelength of the electrons with the corresponding relativistic values [1]. How do you find the wavelength of an electron? Louis de Broglie showed that every particle or matter propagates like a wave. acceleration voltage of 100 kV. resolution as a function of an acceleration voltage. It does not depend on the target material, separation between the target and the temperature of the filament. acceleartion voltage Va. de Broglie wavelength de Broglie. on the spacings between the lines of the grating and the wavelength of the light. Plot the electron wavelength (in terms of nm) vs. acceleration 74 pm at 200 keV and 2.24 pm at 300 keV. (5.00 oz = In this problem, we're given electrons and protons with wavelength of point zero six nanometers and were asked to find for both what voltage would be required to accelerate these particles up to a speed in which they're like wavelength is equal point zero six animators. terms of nm) vs. acceleration voltage (in terms of kV) ranging from 10 kV to 1000 kV. f = [1.6 x 10 -19 x 3 x 10 4 ]/ 6.63 x 10 -34 = 7.2x10 18 Hz. A more practical form of this equation is given by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a microscopy technique in which a beam of electrons is transmitted through a specimen to form an image. An electron beam is generated by applying an accelerating voltage of 1250 V. a. 60 kV. For example, an AV of 100,000 volts results in an electron wavelength of 0.0037 nm and a resolution that is up to 100,000 times smaller than can be achieved with light. The accelerating voltage from the Franck-Hertz apparatus used to produce the picture was capable of producing and accelerating voltage of about 80 volts, so you could get up to four collisions. 13) In the formula = h / (2qVM) 0.5, if h, q, and M are constants, for a reasonable voltage V applied to an electron to accelerate it, the de Broglie wavelength (a) can be easily calculated (b) can be calculated if P.E. What minimum accelerating voltage is required to produce an x-ray with a wavelength of 70.0 pm? Repeat the measurements increasing the accelerating voltage in 250 volt steps to a maximum of 5000 volts. Since resolution in the light microscope is limited by the wavelength of visible light, we obtain much higher resolutions in a TEM due to the wave-particle duality of matter that de Broglie found. The anode is a water-cooled block of Cu containing desired target metal. A close-packed opal structure observed by a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) at Part B: Experimental procedures 1. After passing through the perforated anode, the electrons encounter a retarding, decelerating voltage V r. Since V r is about 1.5 V, electrons having an energy of less than 1.5 eV So, the correct answer is Option A. 10 questions. It is stopped in a single impact. 2. Hello students in this question we have given that when accelerating world days is half that is videos is equals to be by two. What is the minimum possible accelerating voltage V0 that produced the X-rays? 101. The accelerating voltage is : 30 kV. An easy way to accelerate a charge is to allow it to move through a potential difference. terms of nm) vs. acceleration voltage (in terms of kV) ranging from 10 kV to 1000 kV. In the historical data, an accelerating voltage of 54 volts gave a definite peak at a scattering angle of 50. (Use Planck constant h = 6.63 10-34 Js= 4.14 10-15 eVs, speed of light c = 3 10 8 m/s.) The kinetic energy of an electron accelerated through a potential difference of V volts is given by the equation: mv 2 = eV where e is the electron charge (1.6x10 -19 C) [You must be given the electron charge and Planck's constant in order to answer this question]. is given (c) both a and b. Accelerate Voltage Accelerating voltage (kV) is the voltage difference between the filament and the anode which accelerates the electron beam towards the anode. Abbe's equation: d = 0.753/aV 1 /2. In striking the copper anode of the X-Ray tube the majority of electrons experience nothing spectacular; they undergo sequential glancing collisions with particles of matter, lose their energy a little at a time and merely increase the average kinetic energy of the particles in the target which in turn gets hot. (Angstroms)= 151.3 V(volts) c = Speed of light. The wavelength of K X-ray of tungsten is 21.3 pm. Calculate: a.The velocity of the fastest electron striking the target, b.The minimum wavelength in the continuous spectrum of Xrays produced. B-6. 2) The de Broglie wavelength of a certain electron is . Hard X-rays for the study of fractures in bones should have a minimum wavelength of 10' m. The accelerating voltage for electrons in X-ray machine should be In a diffraction experiment with ordinary light (wavelength of order 5000A), a grating is made by scratching thin lines on glass. Electrons are accelerated from rest in a vacuum tube by an accelerating voltage. wavelength of an electron is calculated for a given energy (accelerating voltage) by using the de Broglie relation between the momentum p and the wavelength of an electron (h/p, h is Planck constant). Problem: Derive a formula expressing the de Broglie wavelength (in ) of an electron in terms of the potential difference V (in volts) through which it is accelerated. Solution (so far): The textbook's answer is the following, I'm having some trouble getting there. Table 4787 also lists the wavelength of incident electrons at commonly used accelerating voltages. 2. The shorter wavelength is applied to Abbe's equation and the increased resolution can be calculated. A low positive voltage is applied to the Faraday cage to attract the relatively low energy (<50 eV) secondary electrons. a = half aperture angle. and so v = (2eV/m) = 7.26x10 6 m/s. This wavelength is in the blue-violet part of the visible light spectrum. The specimen is most often an ultrathin section less than 100 nm thick or a suspension on a grid. accelerating voltage and wavelength. When an electron passes through a potential difference (accelerating voltage field) V, its kinetic energy with be equal to the energy of the field, i.e. The Accelerating Voltage U 2 was then slowly increased from 0 to 80V, again to produce a curve on the oscilloscope, and the value of the acceler-ating voltage U 2 and collector voltage V were recorded for a range of values of accelerating voltage, with a number of measurements taken around the maxima and minima of the curve. The time interval between two adjacent dots is 0.02 s, assuming the Electron microscopes with an accelerating voltage significantly higher than the conventional 100 kV have come into use over the last decade. So the equations will need We'LL need the definition of a Deborah ugly wavelength, which is the plant The increase in x-ray tube voltage increases the amount of radiation coming out of the x-ray tube, as well as the average photon energy (i.e., increased penetration). therefore the accelerating voltage of the order of 30 kV is required for producing X-rays. Physics. The minimum wavelength will remain the same. The minimum wavelength will. wavelength of an electron is calculated for a given energy (accelerating voltage) by using the de Broglie relation between the momentum p and the wavelength of an electron ( h/p, h is Planck constant). 1. Therefore: X ray frequency (f) = eV/h. Using the Bragg law, the deBroglie wavelengthexpression, and the kinetic energy of the accelerated electrons gives the relationship. The magnitude of the accelerating voltage used in a. is increased. The velocity of the electron varies in orbits, so t he wavelength of the wavelength of the X-rays. From the definition the relation of maximum photon energy to electrical potential energy and charge of electron is, Here is denoted for the charge of electron and is denoted for accelerating voltage. Derive the equation to show the electron wavelength and the . 30 kV. a. = = h m v. =\lambda =\frac {h} {mv} = = mvh. Allow the trolley to roll down the runway. where V is the numerical value of the accelerating voltage in Volts and e is the charge of the electron in coulombs. Therefore, the de Broglie wavelength of the electron is 0.112 nm. Plot the electron wavelength (in terms of nm) vs. acceleration voltage (in terms of kV) ranging from 10 kV to 1000 kV. Mark the correct choice as.Assertion (A): Resolving power of electron microscope increases as electron is accelerated through higher voltage.Reason (R): de-Broglie wavelength of electron decreases as accelerating voltage of electron increases.a)Both A and R are coefficient on energy (wavelength) at the energy corresponding to the energy required to eject an inner- shell electron. In [] An electron runs accelerating voltage 10 4 V in an X-ray tube. Solved Electrons are accelerated from rest in a vacuum tube | Chegg.com. Typically, accelerating voltage is a few thousand Volts and cut off wavelength is of the order of an Angstrom. The higher the energy of the electrons, the lower the wavelength, the higher the resolution d (100 kV) = 0.24 nm For electron microscopes: n 1 and n*sin m v h nm V 1.23 Abbes equation sin 0.61 n d NA n sin d = resolution in nm = half opening angle of objective (in radians) V = accelerating voltage Resolution EM: nm V d 0.753 the wavelength of the X-rays. The frequency is always inversely proportional to wavelength, and from definition the frequency in terms of velocity of light is, Here is the wave length and is the velocity of light. example 18 kV accelerating voltage is applied across an X-ray tube. By increasing the accelerating voltage, a shorter wavelength is obtained. The cut-off wavelength of the continuous X-ray spectrum is related to the accelerating potential V of the Coolidge tube by l cut off = hc eV 12400 V (/V). 50 kV. . (b) In x-ray tube, accelerating voltage provides the energy to the electrons which on striking the anticathode, produce X-rays. a = half aperture angle. Generally, the wavelength of electrons and the acceleration voltage have an inverse relationship. Volume 10, Issue 1. Assuming the mass of the electron to be the same in all orbits, 1 v. \lambda \,\alpha \frac {1} {v} v1. An electron is accelerated towards a copper target anode with an accelerating voltage. This can be seen under proper conditions as four bands of light from the de-excitation in the collison regions. A source of electrons hot W filament, a high accelerating voltage between the cathode (W) and the anode and a metal target, Cu, Al, Mo, Mg. Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face (Opens a modal) Practice. For electons with acceleration voltage V a, the following constansts will be used to calculate the de Broglie wavelengths: h =6.6 1034 J s, me = 9.1 1031 kg, e =1.61019C. oscilloscope, voltage is the horizontal axis while current is displayed vertically. In EMs, the kinetic energy (eV) gained by an electron as it is accelerated in the electron gun is equal to the electron's drop in potential energy (V0). As accelerating voltage provides enerty to the electron for the production of X-rays, so to get the X-rays of energy 29.6 eV, the incident electron must possess the least energy 29.6 keV. Note: From the above relation of the minimum wavelength and the voltage we see that the minimum wavelength is inversely proportional to the accelerating voltage. eV (energy in electron volts) = V (the accelerating voltage). Generally, the wavelength of electrons and the acceleration voltage have an . De - Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated by a voltage of 50 V is close to: (|e| = 1.6 10^-19 C, me = 9.1 10^-31kg, h = 6.6 10^-34 Js). The Fish Tale Across the Wall Tenths and HundredthsParts and Whole Can you see the Pattern? Answer: The de Broglie wavelength of the photon can be found using the formula: = 4.42 x 10 (-7) m. = 442 x 10 (-9) m. = 442 nm. What is the minimum possible accelerating voltage V0 that produced the X-rays? Calculate: a.The velocity of the fastest electron striking the target, b.The minimum wavelength in the continuous spectrum of Xrays produced. min = hceV. (b) If protons are used instead of electrons, what accelerating voltage is needed to produce protons with wavelength 0.0600 nm? It is concluded that, especially at higher magnifications, much more surface detail is visible in biological samples when using an acceleration voltage between 2 kV and 300 V. Plot the electron wavelength (in terms of nm) vs. acceleration voltage (in terms of kV) ranging from 10 kV to 1000 kV. Determine the wavelength corresponding to the short-wave limit of the bremschtralung spectrum of the X-ray radiation. = = h m v. =\lambda =\frac {h} {mv} = = mvh. Wavelength: The wavelength is defined as the distance between two consecutive cycles. Typical accelerating voltages for a biological TEM range up to 125,000 Volts. Solution for What minimum accelerating voltage is required to produce an x-ray with a wavelength of 70.0 pm? wavelength of an electron is calculated for a given energy (accelerating voltage) by using the de Broglie relation between the momentum p and the wavelength of an electron (h/p, h is Planck constant). Derive the equation to show the electron wavelength and the resolution as a function of an acceleration voltage. The higher the accelerating voltage, the more scatter. The de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron of energy 500 eV is given by. The wavelength of the beam is shorter than the distance between the atomic planes of the graphite. The shorter wavelength is applied to Abbe's equation and the increased resolution can be calculated. It takes 11.3 keV to knock out an electron from the L shell of a tungsten atom. wavelength-dispersive electron mi-croprobe analysis a number of parameters have to be defined for each element, namely accelerating voltage, beam current, and (for each element) x-ray line, spec-trometer crystal, pulse-height analyser set-tings, background offsets, and counting times for peak and background. The wavelength of an electron is determined by the de Broglie wavelength and is linked to the accelerating voltage (AV) used to form the electron beam. V = Accelerating voltage. An image is formed from the interaction of the electrons with the sample as the beam is transmitted through the specimen. okay. A free particle of mass m moving with exactly determined velocity v in the positive x-direction has momentum p = mv, pointing into the positive x-direction and kinetic energy E = p 2 /(2m). For getting X-ray photons of 27.6 keV, it is required that the incident electrons must posses kinetic energy of atleast 27.6keV. Plot the electron wavelength (in. Okay, so this is supposed delta lambda. What is the wavelength of a 5.00 ounce baseball traveling at 100.0 miles per hour? target. The minimum wavelength will correspond to the maximum energy and the maximum wavelength will correspond to the minimum energy. 34). Write down an equation for calculating the minimum wavelength of the X-ray in terms of the accelerating voltage. l = wavelength h = Planck's constant (6.6 X 10-27) m = mass of the particle (9.1 X 10-28) v = velocity of the particle. and the accelerating voltage supply allow for the data acquisition. Typical accelerating voltages for a biological TEM range up to 125,000 Volts. T.Norah Ali Al moneef 57 58. Generally, the wavelength of electrons and the acceleration voltage have an inverse relationship. When using 6kV accelerating voltage, one gets a highly focused beam which is decelerated above the sample to 1keV energy and images only the surface Be sure to include values for the current and voltage. Most of the kinetic energy of the electrons striking the target is converted into heat, less than 1% 2) In a vacuum, accelerating electrons or protons (or positrons) with high voltage and suddenly changing their path using magnets (a synchrotron such as APS in Chicago) 3) Changing the direction of electrons in a conductor under high voltage, x-rays are produced by high voltage transformers. De Broglie wavelength. b. This shows that the maximum frequency is directly proportional to the accelerating voltage. Answer: Accelerating voltage. X-rays glass copper cooling water electrons vacuum beryllium window metal focusing cap to transformer The increased an increased number of electrons striking the target anode. 1 gives: != h 2eVm [3] You should verify for yourself that this can be re-written in the practical form ! Here, h = Planck's constant. Physics questions and answers. As a result, the wavelength of an electron is expressed by the following first equation, where m0 is the rest mass of an electron, e is the elementary charge of an electron, E The trolley is accelerating as the distance between the spots is increasing. The maximum energy lost, E(max), determines the shortest wavelength, (min), that can be obtained according to the equation E = e V = h c / where e is the charge on the electron, V is the accelerating voltage, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speed of light. By increasing the accelerating voltage, a shorter wavelength is obtained. X-ray spectrum of Mo at different voltage X-rays are produced when accelerated electrons collide with the target. Science. Starting with an accelerating voltage of 2250 volts, measure the curved diameter of the inner and outer diffraction rings. The discontinuity is known as an absorption edge.

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hard rock stadium tailgating 2021