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Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

Found inside Savatage, accident de voiture 1994 Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, suicide Kristen Pfaff, Hole, overdose 1995 Ingo Schwichtenberg, cause inconnue 2000 Scott David, Loverboy, noyade 2001 Chuck Schuldiner, Death, tumeur au cerveau Mooseman, She says she didnt act on the opportunity and didnt say anything about, but Kurt somehow knew and immediately decided he wanted to die because he couldnt bear the thought. I dont know how that would even be allowed, having a close friend of the deceaseds wife do the autopsy for a questionable death. I can tell you, as a recovering heroin addict, the most vulnerable time for relapse and overdose is when you come out of rehab. I saw Kurt and Courtney when it first came out but thought it was a bunch of bs and went with the suicide story for Kurt. (From HEATHEN WORLD) . Even the officer in charge was surprised to find NOTHING relating to her death, just disappeared. I dont understand. There should have been blood splatter if he put the shotgun in his mouth and all that heroin would have incopasitated him and that needle would of still been in his arm, not neatly but back in his little box of utensils. Prior to his death, Yelchin was an up-and-coming successful actor known for roles as Pavel Chekov in three Star Trek films as well as indie films such as Like Crazy. If I were being accused of murdering my husband and slandered all over the media; I would definitely open up lawsuits because I would have nothing to hide. Her mother remarried when Kristen was a toddler, taking the surname of her new husband Norman Pfaff. Each of these persons met their untimely end from either drug overdose, death from organ-failure due to or exacerbated by drug use, or death from suicide/misadventure under the influence of drugs. And to add to the story, Kurt and Kristen were close friends and Kurt once said to Dylan Carlson Shes a fucking talented musician, shes also a beautiful soul. Let's not forget that when searching for monsters the first place we should look is in the mirror. Funny, the Seattle police department has NO file or case number on Kirsten s case. it just doesnt add up. 16, 1994 Seattle, Washington, USA. That nirvana money bought her silence and immunity. It adds up with everything the private detective says and all the pieces come together. Someone was there making sure Kurt got a buttload of H but maybe wasnt responding to the overdose or thought maybe he wont die, went and found his gun, helped him hold gun in a way to look like he shot himself. Who plans a murder w a gun thats not w him and w ammo kurt had to buy himself? The answer is. You have a lot of beauty in you. Monsters are magical. And another thing..he wanted away from her nasty ass, DIVORCE, she made the suicide narrative, she made him die (murdered) she didnt give a rats ass about him, only wanted his money. Tragic for the families involved. The shotgun bullet never penetrated utter bullsh*t. No fingerprints, that alone should have been a huge red flag. Funny how with all her lawless antics, paying to have people beaten up since her teens, her violence & her blatant drug use What if..this tragic event was all staged by the brilliant mind of Kurt??? He only loves those things because he loves to see them break Pfaff's death is the latest to shake the tightly knit rock music community of Seattle, breeding grounds for Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and other popular bands but also for a string of drug-related deaths. Until that day comes all we can do is speculate. . I believe Kristen to be the key element to the entire scenario. Presents lyrics, drawings, letters, and other writings from Kurt Cobain's journals, revealing his thoughts on Nirvana, fame, fans, and the state of rock music. Masako Natsume, Japanese actress and star of Monkey. It just goes on and on. The Pfaff family has gone on record saying they believe that Courtney Love had something to do with Kristen's death. Not just hearsay, not just circumstantial bullsh*t. Its enough to reopen this case. Officially, she died from a heroin overdose and her friend Paul Erickson found her dead, on June 16th, 1994, locked in her bathroom with some drug paraphernalia on the floor. Kristen Pfaff Found insideAn autopsy today found no immediate cause of death for Kristen Pfaff, a member of Hole, a rock band led by Courtney Love. Love's husband, Kurt Cobain, was found dead from suicide in his home in the DennyBlaine neighborhood April 8. On June 16, 1994, Kristen Pfaff, the bassist for Hole died of a heroin overdose. Proverbs 11:19 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of DEATH. The official cause of his death is listed as heart failure, but some associates claimed an accidental heroin overdose may have been a primary factor. If you have questions, watch Soaked In Bleach and the BBC documentary about Kurts death. Like a guilty placer that fix you at all?, or like a fuel needed to continue?, i like to do this question cause its not logical to blow your head with a shotgun just after recieve that fix. He has dark brown hair. Hed already broken down the bathroom door after bathroom door for her. Why was she there with Erlandson if it was Paul Erickson who discovered Kristens body? It is an odd thing, but it is a real thing. Birthday: May 26, 1967 Date of Death: June 15, 1994 Age at Death: 27 [FONT="] Probably because it was her birthday last week, probably because it s gonna be the 19th anniversary of her death in a few days, people were tweeting about Kristen Pfaff, who played bass for Courtney Love s band Hole circa 1993-4. By day three decomposition would have began but, depending upon the manner of death, the body may not reveal this from the outside to the inside. []. She was best known for being a Bassist. Last person to see her alive is Eric Erlandson. And Cobain was married to Courtney Love, who was pictured as a five-year-old child on the back of the Grateful Dead's 1969 album Aoxomoxoa along with Ron 'Pigpen' McKernan (who joined the 27 Club on 8 March 1973), and played in the grunge band Hole with Kristen Pfaff (who became a member on 16 June 1994). Milli Vanilli Robert 'Rob' Pilatus (1988-90) Prescription drug and alcohol overdose Excuse my mistakes i dont speak english. Not with her own hands but clearly with money. Eric E is not pure for sure. Any death specialists here? I know the truth.. And F is so brain washed by C that its sad. Loose ends got tied up fast. Just think of all the people who have been executed for being witches and werewolves. How can they not know. I mean the things about him being suicidal. The intervention,half of whom were heroin addicts, & the electrician who was pre- scheduled by Coutrney to put security in a greenhouse they never used so he would see Kurts body through the window while shes called a PI knowing Kurt was dead in there is such a clincher. Their collaborative creative genius throughout the album is obvious. As bass player for . He is holding the shotgun like someone who is right handed. Wow. I mean why would he say that and put his own life at risk. Seems too drastic. Kristen Pfaff the bass guitarist for Hole and Janitor Joe died from a heroin overdose Feb 1, 1995. I think all the fans here and believers would have to put together some class-action complaint or petition? is a 501c3 NON-PROFIT Organization and Website. She studied classical piano and cello at the University of Minnesota before joining the band Janitor Joe. I never saw this until now. Who knows.. God help her family & friends. Shes a textbook narsistic sociopath with borderline personality disorder. she was so messed up by this and no one cared they did it and or blamed the child for might be time to heal or at least be compassionate as to why Love ended up being the way she has become. BIG RED FLAG THERE!So then Dylan places the prewritten note given to him by Courtney, puts all the drug paraph. On the floor was a bag containing syringes and drug paraphernalia. Mia Zapata, strangled to death July 1993 Dog bait, Yeah, they really want you Yeah, they really want you 22) Randy Walker or Stretch Walker if you care, please respond to let know you are active..! Courtney is talenless and her voice is awful live so Kristen was totally right there. They obviously wont listen to just family members or a few friends. There is definitely something fishy about such a senseless tweet. Both, positioned themselves, to take full advantage, of their situations. Yeah, they really want you She was fed up with Courtney Love and she wanted to leave Seattles drug scene, a very sane decision for an ex-heroin addict. I think they need to be investigated as well. Mia Zapata: Mia Zapata was the lead singer of Seattle based punk band The Gits. Suicide Survivors Forum - Click for Info! I fake it so real I am beyond fake Well, until shes totally free from substances, particularly opiates. Yeh sure bex. LINDA . Which member of Hole died? What would be the motive for killing her?? I will never wanna chew, Does this mean Ill love again We even know they were killed. I wish Kurt & Kristen had ended up dating each other. This is so depressing! I Know a Way Out is an account of my lifes journey towards a sense of peace and fulfillment culminating in personal acceptance of a greater power that resides in all of us. Kristen was 27 years old at the time of death. Courtney Love and Kristen Pfaff fought constantly. Why waste the resources digging for the truth on a few junkies? No way someone who knows her personally should have been involved at all in any part of the investigation. Common sense is not whats missing here. Probably because it was her birthday last week, probably because it's gonna be the 19th anniversary of her death in a few days, people were tweeting about Kristen Pfaff, who played bass for Courtney Love's band Hole circa 1993-4. Liable to what, Courtney? I love the music that Kurt + Nirvana did, but depression is a real thing and clearly, by his lyrics, he had his share. I wish Kurt never know Courtney. Shes a hot mess and nobody, absolutely nobody, will so much as admit to sleeping with her because they are so shamed by it. She said people enteredd and exited the house whilst she was in bed. Its impossible to know how Kristen felt, whether you think youve been there or not, but Im not sure the missing journal pages is suspicious; if someone wanted evidence gone wouldnt they take the whole book, rather than make it obvious which dates that were missing? The Pfaff family rejects the official cause of death from the SPD. But just in the last couple of years, especially with the new photographs revealed and the information about the gun he used Ive become convinced that there is absolutely more to the story than what has been published primarily I just cant see how that gun would have ended up in the position it was in unless somebody moved it there either the police or an accomplice who was with him at the time of his death. She was found by a friend after overdosing on heroin. lol! In 27: The Legend and Mythology of the 27 Club, rock 'n' roll icon Gene Simmons takes a deep dive into the life stories of these legendary figures, without giving credence to the romanticized idea that being in the "club" is somehow a With those, there were unanswered questions. I pray Kurt and Kristine get justice, I wish he had escaped alive , left the scene with Kristine, at lease she was a caring loving human being not domeone totally devoid of a conscience and full of lies and deception.. Look at the trail of dead people behind C L , the all knew alot.. Kristine was missing pages in her diary chonicling the day Kurt went missing, we could get some insights from her testimony if she was alive. Following Cobain's death at 27, a number of musicians have seemingly joined the infamous club, including Kristen Pfaff, Jeremy Michael Ward and Amy Winehouse. Kristen Pfaff was born on May 26, 1967 and died on June 15, 1994. Whenever they was a young adult, he told everybody he would have been a professional bettor. There is consequences for taking the life of another human being even if it wasnt by your own hand. Shell never change. Sure, these tales are magical and intruiging, but they also have a dark side, or should I say, people do. and minds. You are pricelessnever forget that. Great point!! Kristen Pfaff , former bass player for Hole, had used heroin, been through rehab and was clean. The first main portion of this book (chapters 2-3) focuses on Lucretius and Roman satura, while the following chapters broaden the scope to satiric elements of Lucretius more generally, but still with plenty of reference to the poets of Everything Ive ever known. 3. If Courtney was involved though she knew about the shotgun and shells and where they were. The Death of Kurt Cobain: Smells Like a Conspiracy, Courtney Love tries to doc-block Soaked In Bleach. It also nearly completely overshadows Kristen and her story (most fans don't even know the name or who she is.) Based on over one hundred interviews, Charles Cross allows us to understand Kurt Cobain's personality. This is an incredible tale of a strange, tortured and very talented man. 'Wins immediate entry into the rock lit pantheon. Discussing the content of the 52-chapter book, Erlandson opened up about the death of his ex-girlfriend Kristen Pfaff, former bassist with Hole, who died of a drugs overdose in 1994. After that, my perspective has completely changed, and upon personal further research following, I have come to the confident conclusion that Kurt was murdered, and that courtney was the mastermind behind it. I just watched SIB as well and started researching. An autopsy today found no immediate cause of death for Kristen Pfaff, a member of Hole, a rock band led by Courtney Love. Text: . Most likely he did kill himself but somebody altered the scene for reasons the general public wouldnt know or the police did a really horrible job of documenting the scene (which is also very likely based on the rest of the investigation and others going on during this same time period). At the same time, Cross desire for the book to be as complete as possible meant that he occasionally accepted secondhand (and incorrect) information as fact. Funny, friend of mine went to spd to examine kirstens file. Why arent more people upset about this? Website Developed by Turkois Design, LLC. She had a younger brother, . 2021 Rock NYC. This is a war of truth and obstruction of juctice Kristen Pfaff One of the mourners at Kurt's Seattle memorial was Kristen Pfaff, a member of Courtney Love's band, Hole, and a former girlfriend of fellow member Eric Erlandson. it took grit to write this here. The whole scenario around CL is a tragedy; she devours and spits out the good in people. Kristen Pfaff, (20-30x) overdose June 1994 One could sneak up on a person who is drugged into a coma and overdose them with a couple lethal injections of herion. I hope this thread never ends. Its pretty unusual that out of a group of random people, 99.9% of us truely believe that Courtney is responsible for Kurts death if not both of them. Even down under here in Australia this smells like a conspiracy to kill 2 people, and get away with murder. All Rights Reserved. Why didnt the FBI step in?? Very easy to do. His lyrics are the damning proof.give it a fresh listen. For a person with genuine empathy towards others, it screams out so loud, like a very awkward, young-dumb-full-of-cum-love to me. However ABSOLUTELY nothing would change if its the Seattle police department that reopened it, cops will Never admit that one of or any of their own kind were ever wrong. And Id like to add, that is DEFINITELY POSSIBLE to be acutely suicidal while in the throes of addiction. Just sayin. when Im through melting. my regards to her and her loved ones. Masako Natsume was a Japanese actress whose first big break occurred when she appeared in commercials for a sunscreen product, in the role of "Kooky . So why does everyone believe Love? Its insane how she just slipped through the cracks. Could he have been functional enough to operate the gun? He then mentions the name Allen Wrench, the person that he thinks murdered Kurt, and supposedly a week later after that interview, Duce was killed.

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