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Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

According to stories circulating among the Dark Council, Tenebrae was born in the decades before the Great Hyperspace War on Medriaas, a fertile and vibrant agricultural world on the far fringes of the Sith Empire. Darth Krat Born to the early Dark Council member and his wife, Corthis was expected to attain much for the Sith. Revan and Malak managed to free themselves from Vitiates influencebut not from the influence of the Dark Side. Ulic Qel-Droma. 58. 3 Darth Revan. Darth: Most members of the Sith Order are addressed by the title of Darth, before they are addressed by their Sith names. Darth Vitiate was the Sith Emperor of the Sith Empire, going by the names Tenebrae and Valkorion. Darth Valens to his Sith apprentice. The unknown is often the scariest thing of all, and no Sith Lord proves that more Your analogy is ill-suited to draw a parallel with the case of Marka Ragnos and Vitiate. Darth Tenebrous actually stated that the rise of a Sith so powerful that replacement by an apprentice would not be needed, was inevitable. YouTube. "Sith are both masters of, and slaves to, their power." He was born with the name Tenebrae on the planet Medriaas 5,000 years before the events of the original trilogy. Darth Bane ruled for decades, surviving several assassination attempts by the Jedi, until he was eventually killed and replaced by his apprentice. This section is a stub. After all, at the time of the battle, he effectively crippled the Jedi Order and took over, and had the largest military in the galaxy. For detailed information about this series, visit the Wookieepedia. Walking Katarrs lifeless surface later, Darth Nihilus came across the only survivor: the traumatized Miraluka Visas Marr, whom Nihilus took as Katie was born in Zileop, a town of Hosnian Oxilyo. A smirk showed itself of Sidious's face, and his eyes went to the bodies around. The Dark Council is one of the primary antagonistic factions of Star Wars: The Old Republic as all members of the Dark Council act as antagonistic individuals throughout the game. Darth Malgus. Darth Sidious is the ultimate evil; the culmination of generations of refinement by the Rule of Two, and the greatest of the Sith. The Rebel Alliance had been decimated early on, and both Luke and Leia Skywalker are dead. 63. 'Star Wars': Besides Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, here are the five greatest Sith Lords of all time. Darth Revan tops off at number four on our list, although some might contest this and think that he deserves to be even higher up on our list. Sideous launched force storms. Serious. 1 year ago. Vitiate is immortal and has drained basically the same scale of people as nihilus, id go vitiate. 4 Darth Plagueis. Darth Bane. 30 Stronger: Galen Marek. Please see below for canon sources. So far his only appearance is in Blood of the Empire web comic, in which he is seen testing Teneb Kel by forcing him to fight his former Master, Lord Calypho. Darth Luft, was a male Twi'lek Sith Lord. Scourge carries out his duties, despite growing concerns that Nyriss is trying to have him killed. Katie was taken in by the Sith Empire and was raised on Malacore, (as Katie was the force I mean, Vitiate brainwashed jedi Masters, and that it's a whole new level of crazy compared to the normal Darth. Darth Malak, was the Sith Lord Darth Raven's apprentice. Its more a difference in character and disposition. Darth Traya perceived Nihilus' hunger for the Force as detrimental to the Sith's goals. He could very well train another Darth Maul or Darth Vader from scratch. Tenebrae known to the Old Sith Empire as Darth Vitiate, his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor, and his Eternal Empire as Valkorion was an ancient dark side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for 1,500 years. 60. Darth Vader, the newly-christened Dark Lord of the Sith, had won the duel on Mustafar and became Sidiouss apprentice. Darth Gean Darth Gean. Full Name: Ulic Qel-Droma. vitiate impressed ragnos, not competed for sith lord. Chaos reigns as they come face to face with Vitiate/Valkorion, and everyone's lives are effected. Revan have everything he had as Darth Revan: sith from Korriban sith academy, Malak as apprentice and the full power of the Star Forge. He took the forms of Valkorion, Tenebrae, and the Emperor over a planet called Nathema. While Sideous probably have more natural talent, this don't mean we can't ignore the fact Darth Revan was the Jedi general who saved the Old Republic from the Mandalorians and discovered the existence of Vitiate's Sith Empire. Nihilus is a shell of a man and is literally driven by hunger, vitiate can control himself. 1. level 1. cautioux. While a Jedi, Varan participated in several important battles of the Clone Wars, including the First Battle of Geonosis and Battle of Ryloth. Sent back to the Republic, the new Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Revan, and his apprentice Darth Malak, broke free from the Emperors influence and established their empire with the Star Forge. But Darth Vitiate had also started wars and have used the deaths of billions to fuel his own power and life span. A rewrite of my story the Sith Apprentice. 6 Marka Ragnos. He grew quickly in the ranks of the Jen'ari, Darth Vitiates Sith order. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. In some cases, the individual pledged themselves to the teachings of the Sith Lord, thereby becoming the apprentice. He is one of the three main antagonists (alongside Darth Traya and Darth Sion) of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Vitiate took Nyeklas as his apprentice and gave him the name Vyrassu. Species: Human. Revan, a legendary Jedi Master and Prodigal Knight, also known as the Revanchist and formally identified as the infamous Sith Lord Darth Revan, was a Jedi Knight who led the Republic to victory against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during the Mandalorian Wars, only to succumb to the Dark Side during the war after developing an ends-justify-the-means philosophy and also delving into Darth Vitiate. Although he declined to take him as an apprentice, Lord Ragnos was impressed by Tenebrae's power and ambition, and named him the ruler of Medriaas, bestowing on him the rank of Sith Lord and the name Vitiate. The council acted as the head of government for the Sith The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed. 6. level 2. Darth Marr was a Human male Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the reconstituted Sith Empire's ruling Dark Council during the Great Galactic War, Cold War, and Galactic War with the Galactic Republic. However, this rise came at a heavy price. 1. level 1. cautioux. Home Planet: Alderaan. Darth Sidious vs. Darth Vitiate. Katie was born in Zileop, a town of Hosnian Oxilyo. So much so to the point that he gathered the entire Dark Council on the planet Nathema, to participate in a ritual. Born years the formation of the Old Sith Empire, Corthis's father was a member of the early Dark Council. 7 Ajunta Pall. 59. Savior, conqueror, hero, villain; you are all things, Revan and yet you are nothing. Darth Vyrassu is a Sith Species male born on Drommund Kaas 5 years after the fall of Darth revan. Darth Vitiate. They searched all the towns and they found Katie. Darth Vitiate Darth Nihilus Darth Plagueis Darth Talon This Sith Lord used the Dark Side of the Force to encase his spirit on his armour and mask. This has been stated multiple times in Summery Sheev Palpatine is the main antagonist of the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy of Star Wars(Ep I-VI). So in this matter, Vitiate was far more succesful. Vitiate hasn't got a chance. To the people of the Eternal Empire over which he ruled in his later life, he was His Glorious Majesty, Slayer of Izax, Immortal Master and Protector of Zakuultheir Immort Vitiate gave hope and a new cause to Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Star Wars. In addition, the three each took a unique title, with Nihilus selecting "Lord of Hunger." But the Sith Empire sensed a strong force sensitive being on the planet. I wanted to know if you knew anything more of Lord Vitiate." Valkorion/Vitiate does not have anywhere near the feats that EU Sidious has. A muffled boom was heard as he approached the doorway. In other situations, the Sith Much later, it was Darth Banes new Order that would overthrow the Republic. Valkorion was a male Human warrior from the planet Zakuul who lived centuries before the Galactic War. Answer (1 of 4): Lets begin: BANE: He would be very happy after he learns that, Sid and Vader destroyed the Jedi Order REVAN: he would see his similarities with Vader and sympathize him when he learned of Vaders origin story VITIATE: Palpatine, I am your father Because of his father's status, he was considered to be in the top tier of Sith hierarchy. 16. Revan. Revan and Malak managed to free themselves from Vitiates influencebut not from the influence of the Dark Side. Vitiate is immortal and has drained basically the same scale of people as nihilus, id go vitiate. Galen was secretly trained as a Sith Lord apprentice to After some time passed he was made the Emperor's Hand and then offered a seat on the Dark Council but turned it down to lead Emperor Vitiates Mission to Tatooine to But from the ashes of destruction, I was the last survivor. Darth Banes apparition Darth Bane was raised by his abusive father in a poor mining community, on a planet far in the Outer Rim Territories.He lived roughly 1,000 years before the events in the Star Wars movies and would ultimately become the 8 Darth Vitiate Also known as Tenebrae, Vitiate ruled for over 1500 years with his Sith empire. He also replaced the crystal in his lightsaber hilt, giving it the red blade associated with the Sith. Darth Marr was a Human male Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the reconstituted Sith Empire's ruling Dark Council during the Great Galactic War, Cold War, and Galactic War with the Galactic Republic. Nihilus is a shell of a man and is literally driven by hunger, vitiate can control himself. It is time to bring about the end of the Rule of Two, it has played its part, now the Sith will rise again! 64. Take for example Bevel Lemelisk. The earliest use of the title that can be pinned down to a specific year was by Naga Sadow, last of the original Dark Lords of the Sith that ruled the old Sith Empire. Well, first, Sidious can transfer his essence into other bodies just like Vitiate. She was Darth Gravids Sith apprentice and was Force-sensitive. Darth Lokess, was a member of the Sith Empire's Dark Council. Revannow Darth Revanestablished the Sith Empire with the intention of overthrowing and replacing the Galactic Republic. However, Vitiate only feared the end itself. Born as the illegitimate son of a Sith Lord, darkness was in Vitiate's very veins Ragnos sensed great potential in him and gave Vitiate control of the planet Nathema which he eventually destroyed in exchange for never ending life. The title was sometimes given to one or more individuals at the same time, such is the case with Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and (formerly) Darth Traya and also with Darth Revan and Darth Malak.It is also a title that is granted to the twelve members of the Dark Council upon joining. Her master, Gravid was confused about the Force and how it acts. Darth Malak[[src]] Revanrenowned as the Revanchist, reviled as Revan the Butcher, worshiped as the Revan, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knightwas a He was born to a family of simple farmers, and it was said that he was born with e Galen Marek lost both of his parents during the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY, leaving the force-sensitive child an orphan. Darth Malgus. Darth Vyrassu was a powerful Sith Sorcerer that could almost if not beat Vitiate in power. He was highly intelligent, and a master tactician. He became the self proclaimed Sith Emperor of the Resurgent Sith Empire after seeing the Sith Empire begin to fall after the defeat of Vitiate. Darth Revan was the Jedi general who saved the Old Republic from the Mandalorians and discovered the existence of Vitiate's Sith Empire. 5 Freedon Nadd. Everyone is afraid of passing away, but Vitiate takes it beyond measure. Frankly, Vitiate is a lot like Petyr Baelish, AKA Littlefinger, from Game of Thrones , who relied on knowledge and powers of manipulation to achieve success. Reading Darth Bane prompted me to want to create a chronology of all the Sith Lords through the Star Wars Universe. Close. I don't own Naruto or Star Wars. Sidious was the most powerful Sith Lord who had ever lived, including more than even the ancient Sith masters. Darth Nihilus is the Dark Lord of the Sith and the second leader of the Sith Triumvirate. And ive also heard some saying: Vitiate lived for a thousand years with essence transfer. The expatriate Lord Vitiate renewed usage of the title in his reformed Empire. Ultimately, because the schism was never healed it spelled the end of their interstellar empire. Vitiate couldn't even detect the thoughts of Lord Scourge, who was his Wrath for 300 years. Revannow Darth Revanestablished the Sith Empire with the intention of overthrowing and replacing the Galactic Republic. Sith: Sith is a title that is granted to individuals (Sith Acolyte, Sith apprentice, Sith Lord and Sith Master alike) who are members of the Sith Order. Galen Marek, trained by Darth Vader for several years while being an apprentice he took down the jedi masters who survived order 66 and then went toe to toe with the emperor but ultimately was outclassed by good ol' Palpy. 1 Darth Vitiate. Revan is the ultimate doer. Darth Marr was a male human Sith Master, Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the Dark Council. He waved his good hand in the air, dispersing some smoke in his face. Prologue. Darth Vitiate is the strongest Sith of all time, at least thats what he believes. Vitiate was seen as being perhaps one of the most powerful Sith Lords in history in terms of his sheer strength, might, and influence. Darth Ferno raised an eye in confusion before shrugging leaving to go to Mei's workshop. Darth Vitiate is the strongest Sith of all time, at least thats what he believes. The list is going to be organized by Master and Apprentice as well as another other pertinent information. Darth Ventus being one along with a few others who are friends with Darth Ventus. Vitiate effectively achieved immortality, there's no denying that. Darth Ventus of the dark council was a choice to become the empires new emperor but merely took place as the emperors wrath and battle master of the empire. The Star Wars Timeline Almanac - The Legends Sith Lord Chronology. Emmynn Quinn and Emmogen Cadera are unlikely friends. It is even noted that Plagueis mentioned and talked a lot about Vitiate, and one would assume that a lot was revealed to his apprentice Darth Sidious. stated Naruto, "I've been having nightmares about Elie and I need to know more about how he did what he did." This allowed her to rise through the ranks of the Sith Order. Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) was a human-cyborg Dark Lord of the Sith and the third and final apprentice of Darth Sidious, who first appeared in the Star Wars original trilogy, and later in the prequel trilogy. Darth Katie is a Sith Warrior who worked for Vitiate. Under the teachings of the previous Sith lords, Palpatine worked under the shadows in secret, but appeared in public as a politician and became the supreme chancellor of the galactic republic. The Emperor's Apprentice. A Sith apprentice is an individual (and on occasion, a child), that began serious training under a Sith Lord, usually chosen by the Sith Lord himself or herself, after the potential apprentice displayed an impressive act of loyalty or cruelty. You can help expand this section by adding some information. Vyrassu would exceed the expectations of Vitiate far beyond what any sith of his desire would come to be able achieve. The man took up the name Darth Nihilus, while the second apprentice became known as Darth Sion, and they joined with Traya in the creation of a Sith Triumvirate. Darth Sidious was the Sith apprentice and murderer of Darth Plagueis. At some point prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Plagueis chose Sheev Palpatine, a human from Naboo, as his apprentice. As of April, 2014 the Expanded Universe was deemed non-canonical. Darth Valens whom had been also known by his birth name as Cassian Palpatine, Lord Valens, the Emperor's Wrath or simply the Wrath.He was a Dark Lord of the Sith and Shadow Hand of Emperor Palpatine that had been sent to be trained on Korriban from the Spirits of the ancient Sith Lords, during this journey he became the unofficial apprentice of Emperor Vitiate and the successor to It was a governing body comprised of various Sith Lords who acted as the leaders for the resurgent Sith Empire during much of its history. But the Sith Empire sensed a strong force sensitive being on the planet. The Son of Suns. Dark Lord of the Sith was the title originally bestowd upon the ruler of the Sith Empire. Acknowledging the thirteen-year-old's power, Ragnos granted Tenebrae the right to rule Ulic Qel 2 Naga Sadow. 62. When the Force entity known as Vitiate arrived on Zakuul, he chose Valkorion to become his new host body, and took possession of the man's physical form. Vitiate ruled more than mileenia, and we don't know when his rule truly ended. Darth Revan. The series opens with Palpatine's enforcer, the feared Darth Vader, boarding Tantive IV, the personal starship of Princess Leia Organa, the princess of Alderaan. When the dust had settled and Darth Vader was standing by his master's side, they looked each other into their golden eyes. Tenebrae the Sith Lord Darth Vitiate who was known to his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor and to his Eternal Empire as Valkorion was an ancient dark side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for 1,500 years . 6. level 2.

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