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Nov 22, 2021 09:40 am

By: Steve Shirley A: Christians are somewhat divided on this point, but it seems the majority believe that after Jesus died, His body remained in the grave, but His spirit and/or soul descended into Sheol (or the heart/lower parts of the earth). In verse 14 we are told that Jesus' mother was also with them. Read how each of the apostles spread out to minister and evangelize and how many of the . Yet many if not all of his disciples returned. He told them, "The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. We know from Scripture that the Holy Spirit gave . Matthias replaced Judas Iscariot to bring the Apostles number back to 12; was one of the 72 and preached in Jerusalem; died and was buried there. If Joseph had been alive, it seems likely that he would have been mentioned as . He repeated a version of this in Acts 1:8 with his very last words face to face with his . The earliest evidence is found in John 21:18-19, which was written about 30 years after Peter's death. Most of what we know about the other apostles' deaths is derived from old Christian authors and . The Disciples After. When Jesus needed a beast of burden to transport Him to Jerusalem, He sent two of His disciples to go to a village to fetch an ass for Him. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.' " Verse 16 records the disciples' response: "Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them." It isn't difficult to understand why it would be easy for the disciples to obey. I'm going to go away. When Jesus suggested they visit Lazarus after receiving the news of His illness Thomas said to the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him" (Jn 11:16). After all the discussion is over, we still don't know exactly why Judas did what he did. The guidelines they followed were found primarily in the Torah*, which is the first five books of the Old Testament -- the writings of Moses . John 21:14 says. A third instance is when the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) did not recognize Jesus until He broke . He had grown sick, and his sisters sent for Jesus to come to Bethany. Key events in the meal are the preparation of the disciples for the departure of Jesus , the predictions about the impending betrayal of Jesus , and the foretelling of the upcoming denial of Jesus by Apostle Peter. (The women were braver and stayed to the end.) After all, with Jesus arrested, they were clearly frightened that they could be next. (21:1-8) They went to go fishing. Some say three years, others as little as one. Miracles Of Jesus' Apostles Bible Verses: Peter prayed, "Now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of your holy Servant Jesus." When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were . The day after also our Lord came by and again John exclaimed 'Here comes the lamb of God'. John 11:7-10. Every single commandment can be found reiterated in the New Testament. Jesus and the Apostles by FedorZubov After Jesus's death, the Disciples became known as the Apostles and Matthias was chosen by lot to replace Judas Iscariot. We know from Jesus' statement to the thief that when one dies they enter the presence of God immediately. And Mark 14:50 is one verse which Muslims quote to try and support the Islamic claim that Jesus was never crucified. How the 12 disciples died also indicates the powerful and unwavering loyalty they had for Jesus Christ. Jerusalem hadn't been kind to them. In Acts 1:13-14 we are told that after Jesus ascended back to heaven the eleven apostles that remained after Judas died were together in the Upper Room. John 20:19 "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews" Jesus' disciples were clearly cowards and were trying to preserve their lives. When He saw Mary after the resurrection, Jesus told her that He had not ascended to the Father yet (John 20:17). Numb 6:13 (KJV) And this [is] the law of the Nazarite, when the days of his separation are fulfilled: he shall be brought unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: 14 And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish . When He returned to the Apostles after the . Where did the disciples go after the resurrection? After seeing the resurrected Jesus in Jerusalem, where did his disciples go and what did they try to do? Nobody knows for sure just how long Jesus' ministry, teaching and travelling throughout the Holy Land, lasted. Jesus' Words to His Disciples After His Resurrection. Yet 10 out of the 11 Disciples (Judas committed suicide) were martyred for their faith. For proclaiming Jesus' resurrection, they were beaten, imprisoned, and many killed in torturous ways. Peter, James the Elder and John are regarded as the Apostle inner circle. From an outsider's perspective, the Jesus movement looked like a failure. Even after Jesus showed them his hands and feet and invited them to touch his wounds, they weren't convinced it was him (Luke 24:41). Philip. He died a very old man, the only Apostle to do so. I won't be bodily with you," but what did He say? What we do know is that they did spread Christianity after the death of Jesus and were committed to spreading the Gospel, even if that meant death. The theory explains that Jesus confused them by his teaching about the bread. March 22, 2008. Because of this, there is debate surrounding the answer to the question of where He went and what He did. Then something d. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples ( John 21:1, 2 ). Bart Ehrman, in his book Peter, Paul, & Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend, agrees that Peter is being told he will die as a martyr. Some use Ephesians 4:7-10 to teach that Jesus went to hell or to Hades to release the prisoners held there and take them to heaven or into God's presence. Peter and John, two of Jesus' disciples, walked inside the empty tomb and saw that Jesus was not there. This is believable because history attests that disciples of other people proclaiming they were Messiahs did the exact same thing. However, the New Testament records the death of only two of the apostles - Judas Iscariot and James the son of Zebedee. We know from the gospel accounts that Jesus and the disciples frequently stayed just outside Jerusalem, in Mary, Martha and Lazarus' house at Bethany; so there is a good chance they would have gone there. After the death of Jesus , the discples hiding in the upper room, and they were scared as if they would meet the same fate . Jesus Taught His Disciples. Martha was confused and hurt that Jesus had allowed His friend Lazarus to die. A second instance in which Jesus was not immediately recognized was when the disciples did not recognize Him when they were out fishing (John 21:4). John is traditionally regarded as the only apostle to die of old age. Where did Jesus go for the 3 days between His death on the cross and His resurrection? - Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a-fishing.The abruptness of the language addressed to six () disciples, who seemed to be living as in one family, suggests a lengthened waiting, and some disappointment as to the effect upon their daily life of the great revelation.They are summoned by the most commanding spirit among them to resume what was, for some of them at least . All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. At what point were they successful beyond their ability to handle? When Did the Disciples of Jesus Stop Observing the Old Testament Laws? Before Jesus died, he entrusted his mother Mary to the beloved disciple (John 19:26-27), who is most widely believed to be John.. We know from the gospel accounts that Jesus and the disciples frequently stayed just outside Jerusalem, in Mary, Martha and Lazarus' house at Bethany; so there is a good chance they would have gone there. Still, it's the best clue we have for most of. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise" (Mark 9:31). Beyond this we know very little about where Jesus was for three days. Miracles of Jesus' Apostles Bible Study Lesson 6.16. Many wonder how the 12 apostles died, but The New Testament tells of the fate of only two of the apostles: Judas, who betrayed Jesus and then went out and hanged himself, and James the son of Zebedee, who was executed by Herod about 44 AD ( Acts 12:2 ). Jesus then warns the disciples not to set their hearts on riches and that it is incredibly difficult, like a camel going through a needle, for those with wealth to enter God's kingdom (Mathew 19:16 - 26, Mark 10:17 - 27, Luke 18:18 - 27).. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus, along with his sisters, Mary and Martha. APOSTLES AFTER THE DEATH OF JESUS. They go to see where he is staying and then they take our lord to Peter. Death couldn't hold Jesus captive! "Go into all the world, preach the gospel, make disciples of all nations, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age." And Jesus is showing them, "Look, I can provide for you. Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. As Jesus hung on the cross, He told the thief who believed in Him, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43). But this much is sure: When Judas betrayed Jesus, he made the biggest mistake any man has ever made . Where did Christ go after he died and before He rose from the dead? So, I will present differing views so you might know the scope of the answer and decide for yourself which position is preferable. The first meeting was with the . Then said he to Thomas, Reach here your finger, and behold my hands; and reach here your hand, and thrust it . To fulfill, later, that divine mission - for Jesus was soon slain on Golgotha to pay for the sins of the world - He commissioned His original 12 disciples. A: Jesus' 12 disciples (with the exception of Judas, who betrayed Him and then took his own life) not only continued to believe in Him, but they spent the rest of their lives telling others about Him. First, because Galilee was the native country of the Apostles, to which, after the death of Jesus, they were purposing to return, that they might live more safely among their own relations. Each of the 12 apostles left families and careers, often traveling alone to distant countries, declaring that Jesus died and came back to life. After the meal, Jesus is betrayed, arrested, tried, and then crucified. The disciples witnessed Jesus' ascension, worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy (Luke 24:51-52). Thomas loved the Lord deeply, but lacked the courage to stand with Jesus during his agony and intersections. Over the next 40 days, Jesus visited His friends. Why did the disciples fish after Jesus had died? John. 1) He goeth before you into Galilee. One view holds that approximately one year had passed following the severe destruction that attended Jesus' death. This could also be related to the distance Jesus might have been from them. They took seriously Jesus' command to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Matthew has two post- resurrection appearances, the first to Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" at the tomb, and the second, based on Mark 16:7, to all the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus claims authority over heaven and Earth and commissions the disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world. 2. The end of Luke 24 stands in stark contrast to its beginning. NKJV - 31 And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. That Christianity grew . Although one of the original apostles, Judas Iscariot, famously hanged himself after betraying Jesus, Christian texts purport that the other apostles continued to spread the gospel after . The Ten Commandments, including the Saturday Sabbath, were not done away with when Christ died. As Jesus was born around 4BC this is when he and John met.However, if you mean John the apostle and brother of James, Jesus met these and called them to be disciples at the start of his three-year . The idea is that before His death, all Old Testament believers were in Abraham's bosomthe paradise part of Hades . April 12, 2019. Matthew 10:5-6: "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Where did Jesus go when He went to Paradise? And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep ( Luke 8:31 KJV) Luke 8:31. And the risen Lord Jesus appeared to them in Acts 1:3. We might quickly ask ourselves why they are in Galilee and not still in Jerusalem, but they are from Galilee and it would be natural for them to return home after some time.

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