what's wrong with physics

Oct 25, 2020 02:53 am

2) That there are over 10^500 possibilities which makes things worse. That physics is mired in difficulties is no secret. Search: I was always curious about how things work. Physicists and to a lesser degree mathematicians are our last heros the last people who truly “transgress the boundaries” which is properly mythological and part of the fascination. I’ve been working on various types of optical sensors including gyroscopes. When you write a paper you stick in on the archives, where it gets seen by the senior influential people in your field, and your stock goes up or down depending on what they think of it. Yes, exactly. I am not interested in playing a game with Lubos or anyone else whose modus operandi is ad hominum attacks rather than serious engagement about ideas. Now think of the differences between the world of 2010 and 2020.

Tweet . Possibly it is the moment where the exact sciences lose their insight into their own limitations where they end to exist as ‘exact sciences’ and turn themselves into mythology, I already said this above. Crises? So what’s your take on string theory and the whole quest for a unified theory? For my own part, I am quite happy to consider exact sciences as ‘exact’ but limited and the other disciplines of human thinking (which EXIST, even to me as a mathematician) as ‘inexact’ but potentially unlimited, possibly the status of modern physics gives a hint towards the growing disassociation of the scientific worlds or human thinking in general, which would in the end lead again towards the concept of ‘thinker’: maybe it would be Einstein, knowing the history of post-war physics and societies in general, to conclude that there is a certain whisdom in preserving ‘mythology’ as ‘mythical’ and ‘exact sciences’ as ‘exact’, maybe this is what would have to be ‘seen’ from his perspective. the picture is admittedly not quite coherent, but as a physicist, i could possibly just ‘couple’, for instance over Kaehler or Calabi-Yau manifolds, the Dirac operator over the ordinary spinor bundle with the symplectic Dirac operatior over the sympl. In the graduate school you are forced to publish something, as if the rest of the thousands of people that form the “community”, or physics as a science in general, is going to be saved by the students’ publications. Most of the young people interested in string theory feel that they should start studying the subject while undergraduates. This was a terrible interveiw. See also Q&As with Scott Aaronson, David Albert, David Chalmers, Noam Chomsky, David Deutsch, George Ellis, Marcelo Gleiser, Robin Hanson, Nick Herbert, Jim Holt, Sabine Hossenfelder, Sheila Jasanoff, Stuart Kauffman, Christof Koch, Garrett Lisi, Christian List, Tim Maudlin, James McClellan, Priyamvada Natarajan, Naomi Oreskes, Martin Rees, Carlo Rovelli, Rupert Sheldrake, Peter Shor, Lee Smolin, Sheldon Solomon, Amia Srinivasan, Paul Steinhardt, Philip Tetlock, Tyler Volk, Steven Weinberg,  Edward Witten, Peter Woit, Stephen Wolfram and Eliezer Yudkowsky. What do you think about this? So, while Newtonian gravity has the deepest roots of any of these, its longevity as a wrong theory is only about the same as for Maxwell's Equations. The negative results are beginning to produce if not a full-blown crisis in particle physics, then at least a widespread panic. Contact. Just for the record. Personally, I find the situation rather interesting and I really hope something good will come out of this, whether it is in favour of string theory or not. Pingback: The Trouble With Physics | Cosmic Variance, Assistant Professor Lubos Motl’s disgraceful attack on Lee Smolin « Gravity, http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/14560/ref=pd_ts_b_nav/102-4540543-7840144, http://www.dpg-tagungen.de/archive/2006/dortmund/akphil2.pdf, The Trouble With Physics | Cosmic Variance.

But no one behaved badly. No other area of human pursuit has the same level of precision and predictive power as physics. Besides which this kind of behavior provides strong evidence for the claim that there is something pathalogical in the sociology of the field. We need to question the foundation of everything and take nothing for granted. They do not spend all day studying the Bible. Why is that? I think in the future there will be certain very specific applications for simple quantum computers that we may be able to build. I think the entire string theory community should take a deep breath and figure out what next to do with their lives. though I and others know you only through your work, many must be wishing you joy. Perhaps alien cultures would consider asymmetry and disorder beautiful in which case they would strongly disagree with the aesthetic approaches of string theorists. Now I sometimes hear from young people that there is a “crisis” in string theory.

A truly great wrong theory should also have an element of longevity to it-- some lengthy stretch of time in which it was the dominant model despite being known to be incomplete. It is quite possible that the

Been playing the game for about a month now.

Let’s take a larger look. Maybe string people are wasting thier lives but listening to this dude one is also maybe. Look for how long for some thing that is not there? Decay fom that is the post fall norm and so humans make the average the norm and create a beauty category. This ranges from climate deniers who don’t understand basic thermodynamics to much of the new age stuff I see for sale all over the very affluent (and ironically well educated) town that I live in, which is nothing more than marketing to earn a buck. "Physics has without a doubt been a profession of white men in the past. If this number is not infinite then Einstein and other quantum theorists of the first generation destroyed the old worldview and broke it into two incompatible parts without losing the researchers inherent destination of a complete and consistent physical explanation of the whole world. But the existence of these other universes is untestable. They have no more legitimacy than believing that God created the universe. Now there’s no real guidance,” or (to each other, nervously) “Is it true that Witten is no longer doing string theory?”. Search: Like string theory, this is not science. For translation try: http://babelfish.altavista.com/. I am intrigued by work being done by Charles Francis for much the same reason as you concentrate in your review of Smolin’s book on the areas that most interest you, the personal story.

Eventually Kepler showed only elliptical orbits explained the observed positions of Mars. There is currently no obvious way to modify it so it would predict something. The situation of string theory is very different than that of cancer research, an analog would be if current cancer treatments not only didn’t help at all with the disease, but made it much worse. The only thing left is to put them together.

I’m not doing anything, it is very sad to watch. Just like an adolescent, I wanted to be accepted by those who were the most influential in my little circle. Have I been unfair? I guess that is why MIT introduces string theory classes and Zwiebach publishes books on “undergraduate” string theory. Before the update, all my cars were well balanced, my planes and jets good to control and the submarines balanced, too. Most of them also think that string/M-theory are robust twin towers that are not threatened by any social effect or passionate proponents of alternative theories or proponents of no theories, and they almost always try to avoid interactions that could lead to tension which also gives them more time for serious work. In his description, the field has “hit a wall”; I like to describe it as a victim of its own success.

they reject genesis teaching on light as a universal fixed thing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

They are unable to respond any other way, they have no other responses to give. Whether it's really the greatest wrong theory will probably depend on just how much longer it takes to find the deeper theory that will replace it. Subscribers get more award-winning coverage of advances in science & technology. This is a trap it took me years to think my way out of. It’s very, very good, and anyone interested enough to follow this blog will find it highly rewarding. Huh? Discovering that your theory has 10^500 times more solutions to it than you thought it did really does count as “much worse”. And Was It Worth the Cost? I write about physics, science, academia, and pop culture.

It is nothing personal against the subject, but I just view it as the research topic du jour. Not many other scientific theories can match such a list. Are you religious in any way now? So I sympathize strongly with the plight of string theorists, who want both to be good scientists and to have the approval of the powerful people in their field. The American dream is pretty much dead. physics has intrinsic beauty. I assume, and Peter seems to indicate that, that the ‘problems’ modern physics faced in the development since the 1970s derive as much from its desynchronization with mathematical justification of the concepts involved as with with its disconnectedness from experimental evidence. Non relativistic quantum mechanics? If the atom is just very much in a higher energy state, just go ahead and cool it. String theory offers understanding for this problem as well as deep and interesting insights on various issues from physics.

String theory is both a highly esoteric and speculative branch of mathematical physics and the pop culture of the TOE.

I could add that concerning my personal experience with ‘modern physics’ and mathematics I already doubted the mathematical rigor and consistency of ‘the standard model’ which was the point where I changed to mathematics, from the constant efforts of mathematicians to understand recent and non-recent concepts in ‘modern physics’ (only to mention the ‘path integral’, mirror symmetry) I can only doubt the above mentioned term of the claimed ‘mathematical consistency’ of string theory, even the meaning of this word combination is unclear (what does it mean: a theory which is logically consistent, should this be a particularly ‘nice’ feature of string theory or is ist just the most necessary condition for a mathematically formulated physical theory to become science?) That creator I suppose I would call God but it doesn’t really matter what you call it.

Smolin didn’t join the Stony Brook supergravity group, but found that he could make a place for himself in the physics community working on quantum gravity, but using particle physicist’s methods: … an easy opportunity opened up while I was a graduate student, which was to attack the problem of quantum gravity using recent methods developed to study the standard model.

It has always seemed to me that postulating un-testable hypotheses is more the domain of religion or philosophy than of Physics. 10^500 is so many that, whatever we measure, string theory might have 10^100 solutions that practically look like it, altough finding them might be practically impossible. It behooves you to actually learn about something before you criticize it out of ignorance.

you completely missed my point.

Might physics look different if more non-western, non-male, non-white physicists were involved? String theory is the only major theory that offers such understanding for the unification problem. Horgan: If you were Physics Czar, would you pull the plug on any projects?

Yet many physicists―people we rely on to address it―don’t think (or say) it is a problem. I’m not claiming that depressing the public about the TOE wouldn’t be healthy for the theoretical physics community even if it’s going to shrink to the size it had at Einsteins time. I’m a high school physics teacher who just yesteray was asked what I thought of String Theory. That was eight … If they are not confirmed by experimental results, we discard them. Strings want 6 or 7 extra dimensions, and to predict anything at low energy you must know their geography. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. So how about using number of publications there as the evaluation measure? What's beautiful about a sunset? I may be wrong on this and it might be indeed necessary to publish as many papers as possible although I really doubt it.

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