eifel germany

Oct 25, 2020 02:53 am

A large number of farms have been converted into stabling facilities, some of which offer overnight accommodation and horse care for trail riders. However, the landscape changed as Prussia carried out systematic reforestation, albeit with coniferous trees that were not typical of the region. [44] The oldest record of the name "Eifel" does not occur until the Early Middle Ages. Eifel National Park is located in the northern part of the region. This is a region of subsidence, which runs from the Trier Bay in the south to the Lower Rhine Bay in the north. Inspired by Romanticism, in which folklore was seen as a rich source of unadulterated motifs and forms, collections of stories and adaptations of Eifel folk tales emerged. The Eifel is part of the Rhenish Massif; within its northern portions lies the Eifel National Park. Through the Eifel run the following transport routes: A boundary line between the two plateaux is not shown on either of the two map sheets, however the Hollerath Plateau lies largely on the Cochem map sheet Cochem and the Broich Plateau on the Cologne map sheet.

[32][34] In 1986, Wilhelm Meyer finally published the volume, Geologie der Eifel ("Geology of the Eifel"), whose fourth, revised, edition is now regarded as the standard work on the geology of the Eifel.[32][35]. The Hocheifel (“High Eifel”), which includes the highest point in the plateau, Hohe Acht (2,451 feet [747 metres]), is a dissected highland drained to the east by the Ahr River, which flows through a vine-growing region. Its mineral resources (lead, zinc spar, iron, lime and rocks for construction) were mined and trade benefited from Roman roads such as the Roman road from Trier to Cologne, which crossed the Eifel. By the Old Stone Age, the Eifel was inhabited by people: Neanderthals and modern man. Scattered patches of Oligocene deposits can be found there and in the Western Eifel. The book of German poems. Since 2004, part of the North Eifel has been designated as the Eifel National Park. The geology of the Eifel region, western Germany. However, there is an average of 70 days of full snow cover because the frequency of snow at higher elevations is relatively high (for comparison: Bitburg 35  days, Maifeld 30  days), but the level of snowfall varies from year to year. The reception of Clara Viebig's work was interrupted during the Nazi era because of her marriage to a Jewish publisher. The products of their cultures are still there to be admired: romantic towns such as Monschau, with half-timbered houses dating from the Middle Ages, the fascinating remains of Roman structures and imposing castles such as “Burg Eltz”. The first recognised Eifel poet was Peter Zirbes, a wandering stoneware trader from Niederkail. An- would then be a prefix and -fali, which is related to the Slavic polje ("field"), means "plain" or "heath". By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Both propositions, like several others, are highly contentious. In addition, Ralf Kramp was awarded the sponsorship prize. There are also numerous mountains and hills with good viewing points as well as several holiday routes. On hot sunny days, there is sometimes an increased concentration of ground-level ozone. In the north it is limited by the Jülich-Zülpicher Börde.

There are several distinct chains within the Eifel. The largest maar lake is the Pulvermaar. Originally the Carolingian Eifelgau only covered the smaller region roughly around the sources of the rivers Ahr, Kyll, Urft and Erft. This improvement of the transport routes also boosted tourism. Over the centuries an ever-larger region was referred to as the Eifel.

Cycle tours over several days are easy to organise by combining different cycle routes. To the west it transitions in Belgium and Luxembourg into the geologically related Ardennes and the Luxembourg Ösling. The Eifel geological structures like main folds and overthrusts can be traced in a SW-NE direction far beyond the Rhine valley. Through this zone existed at one time a sea link between north and south Central Europe. The Eifel is largely rural and quiet, characterized by agriculture, farmland, and woodlands. Prominent authors such as Adelbert von Chamisso, Guido Görres, Karl Simrock, Ernst Moritz Arndt and Friedrich Schlegel rank amongst the early Eifel authors. From north to the south, there are also four nature parks in the Eifel: Rhineland, High Fens-Eifel, Volcanic Eifel, South Eifel, although the first-named park only extends into the northern foothills of the Eifel. Individual mountain chains, up to 700 m, such as the Schneifel and High Fens, run through the western part of the plateau. Excavations show that iron was already being worked by the Iron Age "Hunsrück-Eifel culture" to which the Eifel gives its name. During the Permian, after the end of the uplifting, the Variscan mountains were heavily eroded, leaving only a relatively flat, truncated upland. Jacques Berndorf has become the best-selling German crime novelist with detective novels such as Eifel-Blues (1989), Eifel-Sturm (1999) or Eifel-Träume (2004). … In the Upper Cretaceous and during the Tertiary, the Eifel was inundated mainly from the north. The Eifelsteig’s slogan is “Just you, the water and the rocks”. A landscape which appears to be constantly in flux, and a region which is under special protection following the creation of the Eifel National Park, the UNESCO Global Geopark and nature parks.

In the Schneifel (German: “Snow Eifel”), near the Belgian frontier, scrub and forest are common, with cultivation only on the richer soils. Those who prefer cycling are sure to enjoy the cycle paths along disused railway lines in the Eifel, such as the “Vennbahn” from Aachen to Troisvierges in Luxembourg, the longest disused railway cycle route in Europe, which connects three countries. You can contact Eifel Tourismus GmbH It descends in the northeast along a line from Aachen via Düren to Bonn into the Lower Rhine Bay. These include Jochen Arlt (who has also contributed to regional literature as the editor of several Eifel anthologies), Theo Breuer, Ursula Krechel and Norbert Scheuer. A region that can be actively discovered, for example by hiking on the 313 kilometre-long “Eifelsteig” trail from Aachen to Trier. It was traded at the markets in Trier and Cologne.[51]. The last eruptions, which gave rise to the most recent maars, occurred about 11,000  years ago. In 1996, he was awarded the top prize at the Eifel Literature Festival. The largest of these is the, In the south the Eifel is concluded by the, Roer Spring Plateau (entirely in Belgium), 271.4 Southwest foothills of the Eastern High Eifel, 274 Münster Eifel Forest and Northeastern Foot of the Eifel, This page was last edited on 29 September 2020, at 11:55. However, due to its border location between the German Empire, Belgium and Luxembourg (as march routes to France), many railway lines were built since the foundation of the German Empire, which served military-strategic purposes. During the 1920s scientific interest in folk culture also gave impetus to the collection of folk poetry. The basement in the Eifel, as in the other regions of the Rhenish Massif, consists mainly of Devonian slates, sandstones and limestones, laid down in an ocean south of the Old Red Continent[36] and folded and overthrust in the Variscan orogeny. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Walking enthusiasts who prefer shorter tours can immerse themselves even more deeply in the natural environment of the Eifel by following certified short circular routes, which make a worthwhile day trip destination. In Ute Bales' novels, landscape and people are inseparably connected. It descends in the northeast along a line from Aachen via Düren to Bonn into the Lower Rhine Bay. The Eifel lies between the cities of Aachen to the north, Trier to the south and Koblenz to the east. Residents and local authorities affected by the planned expansion (as of July 2012) have practically no influence over it because it is based on the old mining law.[49]. Today the whole German-speaking part of the range between the Rhine, Meuse and Moselle is called the Eifel (including several areas outside of Germany, see the → Belgian Eifel), while the French-speaking part in Belgium and France is called the Ardennes.

It is cut by several rivers running north-south towards the Moselle. In many places in the Eifel region, the mining of pumice, basalt and other rocks and minerals has a long tradition. The BfN groups the 3 (two-digit) major unit groups under the combined group designated D45. Remains of Cretaceous rocks were discovered on the High Fens. In addition to the Eifelsteig trail, which was opened in 2009 and runs from Aachen to Trier across the Eifel, there is a wide network of themed and circular walks. Carola Clasen, Carsten Sebastian Henn, Andreas Izquierdo, Rudolf Jagusch, Martina Kempff, Elke Pistor, Edgar Noske and Hans Jürgen Sittig are other authors who contribute to the genre of Eifel crime novels. The bioclimatic conditions in the Eifel are favourable. In the Middle Ages, iron, lead, and zinc were mined. Many contemporary poets who live in the Eifel or come from the Eifel have captured the Eifel poetically and made it known beyond its borders to readers of poetry in the German-speaking world. More information The Eifel has a distinctly stimulating climate; the high elevations being considered as highly stimulating. From the end of the Lower Carboniferous the sea basin was caught up in the Variscan mountain building process, pushed together and uplifted, and thus formed part of the Variscan mountain system that, in the Upper Carboniferous and early Permian, covered large areas of Europe. In the South Eifel, especially in the Wehrer Bowl, volcanic carbonic acid is extracted. [50] Near Bitburg there is an iron smeltery where, during the Roman period, the metal was being smelted and worked almost in an industrial way. The most convincing proposal is that of Heinrich Dittmaier (1961). There is evidence that iron was being processed in the Eifel by the Iron Age. The three-field and common-pasture systems still show the remains of this period.

Müller/Schnetz (1937) believe that an -n- has dropped out between the diphthong and the syllable, -fel. There is an average of 110 days of frost, with temperatures below 0 °C in the highlands and an average of 30 to 40 'ice days' when temperatures do not rise above 0 °C. Although Norbert Scheuer was born in the Eifel, the narrators of his novels and stories take the perspective of the distanced or the outsider. In the late Middle Ages, the Eifel was a border area between the Archbishoprics of Electoral Cologne and Electoral Trier, the County of Luxembourg and the Duchy of Jülich. The Eifel belongs to that part of the Rhenish Massif whose rolling plateau is categorised as peneplain highland (Rumpfhochland), which was formed by the erosion of the ancient mountains of the Variscan mountain building phase and subsequent further uplifting. The Eifel is a clean air area with very low air-chemical pollution. So the Schneifel receives an average of 1,200 mm of precipitation (High Fens: 1,400 mm to 1,500 mm), while in Maifeld the average rainfall is only 600 mm. In the eastern Eifel, volcanism began about 500,000 years ago in the area of today's Laacher See; it extended to the Neuwied Basin to the south, and crossed the Rhine to the east. The level of precipitation decreases significantly from west to east as a result of the rain shadow of the highlands. Hiking tourism is also of considerable economic importance, as is reflected in the increasing number of overnight stays for hiking guests and the progressive expansion of the network of trails.

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